[i]The Rattling Chain[/i] Possibly the oddest sight in this tavern of undead was not, in fact, the obviously unliving occupants. No; in this city of corpses no amount of rotting flesh was at all notable. Rather, it was the child sat at the bar itself, drinking a rather thick milkshake. Chiildren, it could be surmised, were not supposed to hang around in bars on their own, and undead unfortunate enough to have not physically reached adulthood--or some other indicator of age--were a sight indeed. Still, there were more than a few around as you scoured the districts of Gravetown. Rather, the weird thing was that she barely seemed to be dead at all. Not a hint of decay, no indication of rotting lungs as she sighed at the 'entertainment'... and she'd rejected alcoholic drinks because they got her drunk too easily. Undead, one generally thought, were not in the business of getting drunk. For someone to have all systems working and even somehow cheat to keep their flesh warm... well, it was easy enough to see why a few of the other patrons thought the small blonde was a vampire. Pretty few things could ever seem so alive whilst enduring the mist. Kitty, for her part, didn't care what anyone else thought so long as she wasn't called upon for displays of magical talent or the like. So long as the barkeeper kept serving her--even though she wasn't exactly buying the bar's [i]normal[/i] fare--and the patrons didn't bother her, she would be happy to keep drinking in peace. Today's story, however, was just annoying. And that had nothing to do with her full glass having somehow ended up in the juggling pile. "Ye really ought to learn another story."