The Fiore Kingdom... a neutral country with a popular of 17 million...It is a country of magic...Magic is bought and sold there like anything else and is deeply ingrained in the people's lives. There are even some who make a living using magic...These people are referred to as wizards...These wizards belong to many guilds and accept jobs offered to them...There are many guilds in the kingdom, and there's a certain wizard guild in a certain town...A guild from which countless legends were once born nay, one that will continue to make and create legends well into the future...Its name...? Fairy Tail... has been ten years since the last S Rank tournament between the guilds and half a year since the last S-Rank Trials and since then very few things of interest in particular in Magnolia. Life goes as it always does and very few people become truly successful but many people still try hard to obtain their dreams. However, Fiore has become somewhat more of a betting man's land. There has been a rise in crime, thanks to a number of illegal guilds appearing, and the rise of even more industrial powers in many of the main cities throughout the country. The main leaders of the industry are James De Sand who has taken ahold over the sea by a huge fleet of ships meant for transporting his goods and catching fish. He has been named Commodore by many, Calahide Yenmor who controls the banks and has invested in a nationwide train expansion and has a monopoly on the rail roads, and Kyle Marquise holds much of the wood making industry in his hands and also controls magical goods to many people. He is truly a man who has embraced the entrepreneurial spirit. All of them are successful and each of them has become incredibly rich and dangerous to the people they mean to harm. Some people believe the three are involved in a conspiracy to take over all of Earth Land but that is highly unlikely. The Magic Council is also ready to launch a full scale investigation on all the guilds to root out evil mages. However so far it has not been implemented and its only been rumored about. The enigmatic Fairy Tail Guild reigns as one of the strongest guilds in the land due to its various types of mages. The second is Sabertooth with it still reeling from the loss of its famous member Damion Wilmore and Joey Chamberling. The third strongest is Lamia scale with its few but very strong mages. Legends have been lost and born and Earth Land is about to become a battleground. The Land of Flore is about to experience a time of dark change however as a unknown appears and along with the aid of various other helpers good, evil, and neutral is poised to take over the land. There is no knowledge of this threat no warning and no one is expecting it...but it will come and it will come soon... So cold so dark...where was he at? All around Wallace was dark rock and he could do nothing but walk. He heard rain drops somewhere far away behind him. However he felt cold and shivered for he knew something bad was here something dark and evil. Muffled voices from the somewhat familiar bodies followed him as he walked. Was he was on a mission or something? The voices asked him a question which he answered back in a muffled angry reply he did not understand what he said. However it was enough to shut up the other one behind him however the second one put his hand on his shoulder and the muffled voice of the faceless person told him something which he sighed at and apparently apologized for? However in his head he was confused, slightly nervous, but completely and utterly dumb founded at what was happening. He was not controlling his body and the people around him were faceless ghosts to him speaking gibberish which only his mouth understood because it moved on its own accord and not his actual being that moved it. Eventually he wandered directly into a large cave in the middle of it the rain drops were very distant but there was wetness on the floor of the cave and all over it looked like a wrecked laboratory. Then a skinny man with no face appeared and then he saw the bodies, not sure if they were dead or alive, scattered everywhere from various guilds. Then a voice a very familiar voice came to him not very sure he believed it, it was in his head. It was his brother's voice it said Save me little brother... _______________ Wallace woke up with a horrified scream from his bed covered in cold sweat. He was not wearing any of his clothes in fact he was naked. He stared at his hands and was aware of some electric saps coming from them. He took calm breathes slowly and deeply. He was shivering and he gripped his sides his teeth clenched. He simply sat there contemplating his strange dream and what it meant. After ten minutes he got up and looked into a mirror his eyes were slightly blood shot and his body was still covered in sweat and was shivering. He calmed himself down and got in the shower and took a long one just to collect himself. As he got out and put on his T-shirt, sweat pants, and everything else he calmly went down stairs. Where he was greeted by the normal sight of a big apartment with fancy leather and some book cases with various books detailing magic and the like on the walls, a gift from his father and he appreciated it and hated it all the same. He owned a very fancy apartment building all to himself thanks to his parent's money and his own he had plenty to spare. "What am I so afraid of anyways? I'm the infamous Thunder Blade, not some weakling mageling who can't hold their alcohol or control their magic let alone their own hides. Damn I must be was so real" Wallace muttered to himself angrily and ran his hand through his silver hair. He gripped the silver necklace around his neck and sighed it was the only thing left of his brother he had. Having searched so much for the prodigal one, Damion Wilmore, he had given himself up. His sisters still came and visited him once in a while but he was more worried about other things. He looked outside over the sunny town that held his guild. He just wished he was not alone he had sent his pet Exceed, Jural, to spend time with his father the poor guy had nearly gotten himself killed on their last mission. Now however was not the time for feeling sorry for himself. He laid back further into his seat and sighed. He contemplated going to Fairy Tail and decided to go later after all he was not the most popular guy ever with his attitude. The only real people he got along with were Jormundur, Toguro, and a few others. "Freaking magelings think they are so tough especially the kids who haven’t seen what true pain is...they piss me off when he talks about their skills like that gives them an excuse to act so be above everyone else. This world is too cruel for there to be such optimistic and foolish people." Wallace sighed and put his head into his hands and just sat there alone. "Maybe I'm being to harsh on judging them...I am a bitter SOB after all...Not without reason though. I have a right to be the way I am...and by god I will not be bothered by this dream." ============================ The Fairy Tail Guild Today at the guild there was a lot of yelling and shouting and partying as usual. It was rowdy and fun and for once in a long time most of the guild was present! Toguro and Jormundur however were upstairs talking talking in the Resting room (the bedroom not the bathroom) on the second floor talking about something the rest of the guild was not going to hear. They had cast a spell on the door to prevent ease droppers from hearing anything. Jormundur had said it was a surprise for all his children and he promised it would fit in like a normal day. Sam had been told to entertain the majority of them and had been dancing with one of his old guild mates who had come to visit him. They were doing a waltz as the girl's boyfriend played on the piano. They were a former team and it showed as Sam's dancing partner had cast a sparkle spell in the air as they danced on the stage. Despite the ruckus around them and the seeming dislike of the classical dance they were too enthralled by the beauty of their performance to care. They elegantly moved and danced as the classical music came from the piano and their movements slowly gave off an aura of peace and classical style. They were half way through the dance by this time and many of the guild’s mages had gone back to talking with each other and the guild's drunk was passed out in front of the pool outside. Overall it was a typical day at the guild...