[center][b]Name:[/b] Leon Thorne [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Appearance:[/b] Leon is a seasoned warrior whose body has been toned by years of training. Although he stands at an average 5’9 he is quite the force to be reckoned with. Leon has white skin with a mild tan on it from his travelling. He has unkempt medium length black hair that falls around his face, reaching to about his neck in the back. He has piercing green eyes and an oval face. Leon’s appearance is not by any means immaculate- he has been on the road for nearly a year and has a healthy layer of dirt on him. Leon’s attire is very much that of a traveler- draped around him is a dark green cloak with a hood that is usually pulled up around his face when he is on the road. Underneath this he wears blue pants and a leather tunic that covers a white shirt. Leon also has a small scar on his cheek. [b]Styles and Levels:[/b] Twin Swords Level 5 | Fisticuffs Level 5 | Summoning Level 2 [b]Current:[/b] Twin Swords Level 1 [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Viper’s Strike:[/b] Leon moves around his enemy at blinding speeds, allowing him to get into an optimal position to attack [b]Human Arrow:[/b] Leon propels himself from the ground with great strength, moving straight towards his enemy with swords extended. [b]Shadowstep:[/b] Leon moves towards his enemy at imperceptible speeds then strikes quickly before retreating to his previous position [b]Flammenschwert:[/b] Flames dance around Leon’s swords for a few seconds, setting fire to enemies who he hits. [b]Weapons:[/b] Leon’s primary weapons are two steel swords that he wields simultaneously. He is extremely adept at duel-wielding in combat. In addition to this, Leon is known to carry a back-up knife strapped to his leg, additionally he has three throwing knifes strapped to his chest. He isn’t great with throwing knifes, but can at least hit a target that isn’t too far away, although he might have difficulty making precision shots at fatal points. [b]Personality:[/b] Leon’s outermost layer is that of amicability. He is very friendly, and is more than eager to lend a helping hand to any and all. He has a tendency to butt into other’s private business in an attempt to help people. He is a sucker for the ‘damsel-in-distress’ cliché, and will definitely go out of his way to help a lady in need. Besides this, Leon is usually very good at getting along with people and tries to make friends everywhere he visits. Leon has always had an unshakable wanderlust, more than likely due to his overly-restricted childhood. When you get through Leon’s outer friendly layer it is easy to see that inside he is still deeply saddened by his unfortunate childhood, and blames himself for the death of his younger brother and his mother. Leon murdered his father trying to protect his younger brother, and greatly regrets it. Above all, Leon is determined to protect his friends and loved ones from death, hoping to never experience loss again in his life. [b]History:[/b] Leon’s father was a famed soldier of Zenithian decent. His mother was a healer of Vexerian decent. He received more of his father’s Zenithian genes, lending to his high stamina and strength, although he does have a spark of magic inside him. Leon also had two brothers- one older and one younger. His older brother was more aloof and never directly said what he felt, instead keeping quiet, always listening to their father and never doubting his harsh training. His younger brother inherited the strong flame of magic from their mother. Despite this, his father continued to insist he become a warrior like him. Their father was a tough taskmaster who wanted to raise his sons to be a soldier like him. He constantly made them train to become stronger and stronger. They rarely had time for leisure, and rarely were able to escape their duties. If they did try to shirk their training they were harshly punished. Leon’s eldest brother was always their father’s favorite, being the strongest of the family, and when it came time he did enlist in the army. Their father also had high hopes for Leon himself, for he showed natural talent. However, Leon was not interested in the soldier’s life and often tried to escape training, often leading to him quarrelling with their father. Leon’s youngest brother was the runt of the family, and faced the brunt of their father’s anger. Although he did try he could never satisfy him. It was a particularly cold winter day after the eldest left that Leon had killed his father. Leon and the youngest were forced to train for hours, sparring against each other, training against dummies, and sparring with their father. Leon was doing just fine, but his brother was falling behind. Their father got very angry at his brother. Leon remembers his father beating his brother; it was a common occurrence, but it was particularly brutal this time. All Leon saw was red. He raised his sword, and struck down his father, determined to protect his brother. Leon was 17 when this happened, and on that day he left his home village and never returned. The burden of taking a life weighed heavily on Leon. He wandered for a time through the land, and eventually he found a steady living using his skills with the sword to help those across Farecia. He was determined to make up for his crime by helping those in need. He took what people offered him, but never asked for a reward. It wasn’t until a year after that he learned his mother and brother perished in a bandit attack. He was convinced if he hadn’t killed his father he would’ve protected them. So now, with two more deaths weighing in on his soul, he continues his travels. [b]Why are you on this journey:[/b] Maybe he thinks that doing [i]something[/i] for this world will help weigh against the deaths he has caused. Maybe he’s just the kind of guy to get caught up in business that isn’t rightfully his. [b]Misc:[/b] Leon's exploits have earned him a reputation in parts of Farecia as a strong man that can be trusted with though work. Leon's eldest brother is an active soldier in the military, he might pop in the future.[/center] [hider=Relationship Chart] [b][u]Celosia Alesea:[/u][/b] [i]"It's not surprising that I get along with Celosia well. We've both led very similar lives, we've both lost our families when our homes were attacked, and we both became travelers soon after."[/i] [b][u]Jitters:[/u][/b] [i]"I really can't say a whole lot about the skeleton. He kind of creeps me out, and I'm sure I hear the occasional gurgle from him, but he's pretty hard to talk to. He doesn't seem like a bad guy though, so I guess that's something."[/i] [b][u]Nathimys Bayias:[/b][/u] [i]"Nathimys it a wildcard. In battle, he has sickening thirst for blood. Outside of battle, he seems kinder, but something is still... off putting. He seems disconnected from everything around him. I'm wary of him."[/i] [b][u]Joscelin Voclain:[/b][/u] [i]"Joscelin's skills are admirable, if a bit unhoned. I get along with her well- not a lot to hate. She's upbeat, and her loyalty is impressive. I hope she finds the sword she is looking for, and her brother"[/i] [b][u]Zico al'Sorna:[/b][/u] [i]"I don't have a lot of respect for con artists. To say the least, I'm wary of him."[/i] [b][u]Mayaquen:[/b][/u] [i]"There's something more to him then what he puts out in the open. He's not very friendly, although he seems to be decent."[/i] [b][u]Jythrel Arbrick:[/b][/u] [i]"He's an old lecher, which is somewhat off putting, but besides that he seems to be decent. He works hard, which is admirable. However, the grave robbing is a bit creepy, to say the least."[/i] [b][u]Sinpher 'Sin' Randol:[/u][/b] [i]"To say that I don't like Sin would be a bit of an understatement. Everything about him trips off some sort of alarm in my head. Who is he? A thief? A murderer? Why does he keep himself so distant from everyone? I feel like he's planning something."[/i] [b][u]Tyrell Varn:[/u][/b] [i]"I haven't exactly made it a secret that I'm not a fan of thieves, and Tyrell is no exception."[/i] [b][u]Atalee Vayshalum:[/u][/b] [i]"I don't believe in any Gods myself, but her faith is admirable. She doesn't know a lot about ordinary people, being from a monastery, so I try my best to accommodate her occasional slip up."[/i] [b][u]Freya Yates:[/u][/b] [i]"That's one strange getup. Besides the odd clothes, Freya is mostly a good person in my opinion. I'm a bit wary of the grave robbing, but I suppose I can't stop it."[/i] [b][u]Ava Zayan:[/u][/b] [i]"Psychopath."[/i] [/hider]