I still say you should call bullshit on it... or claim he was saving some OTHER spear wielding Damsel in Distress... because it was OBVIOUSLY an NPC since she didn't even react in the time it took him to cunt-punt/bitch slap combo one wolf... uppercut another... Leg sweep three of them at once... punt another... Rasengan another... kick the third of the tripped one five-or-six times... and THEN go after the larger one that the spear wielding maiden had been fighting, tackle it (even though it was MUCH larger than the others... and if memory serves it was large enough for her to have to place the butt of her spear in the ground in an old fashion boar hunting technique) and then beat it's skull into a bloody pulp (even though it had almost boss level health) in the time it would take her to even take a breath... because she obviously didn't do anything while he was killing everything or else the dire wolf would have at least done somethign with her too... His descriptions of this badassness weren't even that great... he crammed it all into... 14 lines of text... My thought up on the spot explanation of the damn creature was half that -.- it would be different if it seemed as if time was put into the slaughter of a boss monster... Maybe we should send him after the ultimate shield dude... I didn't realize we were allowed access to end game levels already.... Sorry for being a bitch... but going back and tallying that really frustrated me... especially when I had a plan for meeting up with Kylie and that dire wolf was the core of that idea... which is why, y'know, I have an explanation of it's existance...