Application Basic Info [img][/img] |Name: [u]Rome[/u]| |Age: [u]Sixteen[/u]| |Date of birth: [u]31[/u]\[u]05[/u]\[u]X0XX[/u]| |Female\[b]Male[/b]| We will need some records of your body height and sizes, you do not have to fill this part out if you wish not to. |Height[u] 5'[/u]| |Weight[u] 98lbs[/u]| |Body Type[u] Slender and lanky[/u]| |Hair[u] Dark Brown - Black[/u]| |Skin[u] Light Cream[/u]| |Markings[u] Burn-like birthmark on right hip[/u]| Last we would like a little bit of a background about you, just to make sure you are mentally stable enough to be apart of this experiment. This spot is required, thank you. [b]Personality/Traits: [/b]Rome tends to be on the quiet side, but when he laughs, its the sort that fills a room and makes everyone join in. He's a spacey kid that more often than not can be found staring elsewhere. Though he's not subservient, he does listen to his elders- but only to a point. He's reached the age where he understands rules and hierarchies but also understands his own desires and does his best to juggle both. [b]Short background description:[/b] This child is Rome Park, a boy with an IQ of 135. That said, he's no genius, but he is smarter than the average child. As with any other child born of great mental wealth, Rome did not have caring parents. His mother, having passed her smart genes to him, was rarely impressed with anything he did and busied herself with the feminist movement and her own work. His father was out of the picture, a man who couldn't take having both a child and a wife smarter than him, fleeing to marry his secretary. As such, Rome was allowed to peruse whatever he wished on the internet, at first having used it to make a nice garden in the backyard. He made good friends with the pool boys that changed over the summer at the house next door, and eventually, after over exerting himself with social ennuis reverted back to the internet. There Rome discovered a world of intelligence and ignorance and thoughts and just a lot of activity that spurred churning in his brain. He came across an experiment detailing a curious idea and decided to sign up for it, easily forging his mother's signature of approval after having deciding against faking his age.