I'm sorry for being a bitch but when I read her post this morning, I started thinking up ways to get to her (it wasn't pre-planned for us to meet but I saw an opportunity and decided to take it) had a damn good post thought out during my down time today... and then I check in and *BOOM* gone in one spurt of god mod. [quote=Nem] However, pup.She estimated to do send that boss into the yellow zone with one hit, yeah? [/quote] [quote=CrimsonFlameKylie] As It leapt through the air Amber smirked again, “Bad idea!” She immediately dropped to one knee and braced the pommel of her ranseur on the stone behind her, and as the beast began to drop she activated <> and thrust the large spear forward catching it on the tip and with a roar she flipped it over her head and pulled the spear back as she turned to face the target. It still showed only the symbol for [b][u][i]unknown HP[/i][/u][/b], but that had to have been a decent blow. [/quote] Actually, no. Sorry shadow... I'm shutting up now.