Stepping off of the airship, Sylvaré filled his lungs with the fresh air of Nesia. He passed through the customs services, checking a rapier and a knife before passing on into the city. Entering the third tier, he got a sense of the "busy city life" that he had been told to expect. Passing by several vendors, Sylvaré managed to find someone attempting to take advantage of newcomers by selling overpriced maps of the city. Shamelessly taking one in the turmoil, Sylvaré soon learned how to get to the[i] Bailan Heights[/i] hotel, where he was supposed to reach his contact. Upon arrival, Sylvaré was unimpressed. [i] I was expecting more,[/i] he thought as he entered the building. After receiving his key, he entered the room assigned to him, sitting by the room's desk and waiting for someone to enter.