[quote=Iluvatar] OOC: Hi, I'm fairly new to this. I don't really get the system yet, so I hope I've put this comment in the right place!Interested. I enjoy fantasy roleplays, especially if they involve non-OP-but-still-cool-magic like shapeshifting. Should I post my character(s)'s descriptions here? And are any of the classes we can be associated specifically with magic (warlock, shaman, etc.)?Thanks, Iluvatar [/quote] Hey! Welcome to the Guild. Everything you say in this thread is OOC so there's no need to specify OOC. I'm not accepting characters yet as I'm still waiting to get some more interest so you can hold that thought. When I post the OOC thread it will have character guidelines for you to follow, a Character Sheet (CS) that includes your character's name, race, age, biography etc. As far as classes for magic, I didn't originally have any in place. Although Dracans and Gryphos are not inherently magical, I suppose it would be possible to have a Dracan spell caster or Gryphos wizard… Just keep in mind that magic is generally shunned by the Dracans and viewed as something more along the lines of beyond comprehension by the Gryphos, the Alacai are the only truly magical race, but they do not study, they simply are, so it's up to you what kind of specifications about magic that your character has.