"Thank you." I smiled at Sam as he had the door open for me. Walking until we got to the cabins, I looked around, just as Sam was. "There's one. It doesn't look like it's too full." I said just loud enough for Sam to hear me. "We better get to it before the others notice." I tugged his arm to follow me. Casually, we walked over to the cabin to be greeted by a soldier in a uniform. "So I see you two made it over here before the rest of them realized this wasn't full yet." The man smiled. "Information please." He had a pen in hand, ready to write down whatever I told him. "Daisy Morris." I began. "I'm 18, size small. 5'5 and I weigh 120 pounds." I watched him write everything down. "Is that all you need?" I asked him and he nodded. I walked inside the cabin and took a look around. There were a lot of empty beds left. All I needed to do now was pick one.