For all the grace she normally had, Reyna was unable to channel that to her bumbling form and instead focused on twisting to face her attacker. It wasn't as good as running off in hopes of finding some help, but it was better than being defenceless with her back to the man. This way, she could attempt to throw a punch or at least beat the guy's head in with her can of spray paint. What she found upon turning was startling enough to have her freeze to her spot, can of paint held out before her in case things turned for the worst. The man who had attacked her had been yelling and screaming out profanities, though a small part of her brain had thought it was because of the paint burning his eyes. What she hadn't expected was the sudden quiet of the night to return, nor did she expect to see another man hovering over her now unconscious attacker. He looked to her as if he was surprised over something, though all she could do was stare back with a tremble in her limbs that wasn't from the cold of the frosty night air. He had such striking eyes.... Reyna jumped when the new man moved closer to her, her paint can, shaking slightly with the shock she was still in, held up higher in case he were to try something. His movements were slow and deliberate, but she wasn't taking any chances of a repeat offense. When he knelt just in front of her, she gave a weak shuffle back to put just a tad more distance between them. "You got a cell phone? You should call the cops." He posed a very good idea, calling the cops, but she was reluctant to move from her position. He had saved her, yes, but what if he had beat up the other guy just so he could have a chance at kidnapping her or stealing her bag or even killing her? She watched those crime scene television shows, she knew what situations like this usually entailed. But if that were the case, wouldn't he have already tried to pull something? Reyna gave a small, hesitant nod before reaching into her back pocket, other hand still holding the can of spray paint aimed at the stranger, and pulled out her cell phone. She eyed the blinking red light as well as the seven percent battery life that remained and inwardly cursed her forgetfulness; from now on, her phone would go on the charger every night before bed, no exceptions. There was just enough battery life to call the police and give them general information - her name, her address, and what had happened in a span of five minutes. Luckily, the dispatcher was able to relay an officer who was just three blocks away before her phone gave a warning buzz and shut itself down. For another five minutes, she was stuck with the stranger who had saved her. "Are...are you new around here?" Reyna asked as she dropped her hold on the paint can and instead kept it to her side, just in case. Since she wasn't in any immediate danger and was relieved with the fact that the cops were just around the corner, she felt a bit calmer, if not still shaken up from all the hubbub. Now that she was able to think more clearly, though, she began to wonder more about the man who had come out of nowhere to her rescue. "I haven't seen you around before. Are you friends with the Deril twins?"