[img]http://imgur.com/hLJ8fmD.jpg[/img] Sarina lifted an eyebrow questioningly as he asked if she had been starstruck, wondering if he was serious. Realizing he was, she gave a soft laugh. He was obviously a big fan of himself, which was fine really. Confidence in oneself was probably a great boon in his profession. "None of those, I'm afraid. I don't have the formidable skills needed for that kind of work. My talents lie in taking stolen goods, and bringing it to people who are willing to part with a good deal of money for it. Usually these people are the ones working in the shadows, in secret places. But I find them and befriend them. And if they're my friends, and I am a friend of the guild, they'll be the guild's friends. So if you find some pretty gems or other valuables during your robberies, I can find buyers, and instead of shiny rocks the guild then has gold. Much more useful." she paused to flag down the pretty barmaid and politely asked for a glass of claret before turning back to Jarret. "Sadly, I will probably never see as much action as the rest of you will, which I'm fine with since my stabbing skills aren't all that great. What's your weapon of choice, by the way?" she asked before taking a sip of the heady red liquid in her glass.