At work at the moment, excuse any typos, but I just had to ask as someone with a mental disorder myself... How do you function? Aspergers would degrade your ability to understand social situations, adhd would cripple your ability to think straight, DCD is a motor learning disability that is often the precursor to Parkinson's or Cerebral Palsy, PTSD would make you relive horrible traumatic episodes and cause you to have severe panic attwcks in conjuncture with dcd would make you clinically incapable of taking care of yourself... Depression would at this point be a symptom, not a separate disorder, anxiety as well, and psychosis would make it impossible for you to tell reality from fiction, and disable most if not all of you empathy or sympathy. Not meaning to be offensive. Its just a rather incredible claim you have there. As for rping, i will get into detail on that when i get home.