[quote=Brovo] At work at the moment, excuse any typos, but I just had to ask as someone with a mental disorder myself... How do you function?Aspergers would degrade your ability to understand social situations, adhd would cripple your ability to think straight, DCD is a motor learning disability that is often the precursor to Parkinson's or Cerebral Palsy, PTSD would make you relive horrible traumatic episodes and cause you to have severe panic attwcks in conjuncture with dcd would make you clinically incapable of taking care of yourself...Depression would at this point be a symptom, not a separate disorder, anxiety as well, and psychosis would make it impossible for you to tell reality from fiction, and disable most if not all of you empathy or sympathy.Not meaning to be offensive. Its just a rather incredible claim you have there.As for rping, i will get into detail on that when i get home. [/quote] If you really were trying to be offensive, this has got to be one of the shittiest attempts at offending me that I've ever seen. Good questions. It's anything but easy, but I still function somehow. I can definitely understand your view that this seems too incredible to be real, and I'm really just going off of all the shit that I've seen countless psychiatric appointments and hospitalizations for. Honestly? I have my own reasons to doubt all these labels that have been slapped on me in the argument that I just happen to be a really complex case. With Asperger's, I was diagnosed with it at the age of 5. I've gotten better at understanding unwritten social rules, but I still find myself in situations where I end up becoming a bit of an annoyance, if not an outright chew toy. It's gotten me in all sorts of shit. With ADHD, thinking straight doesn't come easy to me, and I often find myself a bit hyperactive and with poor impulse control. I also have lots of trouble filtering what I say, and even though my mom and others have suggested to me multiple times that I try and put a filter on what I say, I still don't really heed their advice because either I forget it completely or I just don't care enough at that particular moment to worry about offending anyone. My DCD may not be a full diagnosis with me, but I do have dysgraphia, and I'm also a bit clumsy in my movements too. Writing on paper in school was a major source of stress that often made me miss the bus home. As for PTSD, I was molested by one of my teachers, picked on by numerous other teachers and people in general, and have nearly died on multiple occasions from either suicide attempts or getting the shit beaten out of me by security guards at the hospital. Too much shit for me to talk about in one go. I've been losing lots of sleep lately because I'm still heavily affected by my most recent internment at the psych ward at the hospital, where I was beaten pretty badly, tried to strangle myself, and was then beaten up some more and restrained in a bed for the next 2 days. That was just last month. Yeah, depression and anxiety are definitely more along the lines of symptoms than full-blown separate disorders. I'm also prone to having psychotic episodes as you've described, as I often find the lines between reality and fiction blurred up until my mom or grandmother or whoever else has to remind me that what happened was not real. And most of the time, as real as they happen to be for me, I just don't know how to explain them, and when I do try to process them through a logical perspective, it just doesn't seem right. And these episodes don't come on as the result of a stressing factor. They just seem to come whenever they please, and it's been making me very disorganized lately. Hence why I don't really RP all that much, as much as I want to just to both have a sort of retreat from my life into collaborative creativity with other like-minded individuals, as well as try and keep myself in my zone of comfort when my episodes start happening. There's also a little bit of a lack of empathy coming on in me, but I'm trying to keep myself from becoming a sociopath as much as I can, as much as my cynicism sometimes tells me that I shouldn't care about other people on the basis that I've gone through lots of shit. But then I remember that lots of people have been good to me too, and that's helped a bit in me retaining my sense of empathy. As for RPing on my end, I often find myself giving some of my characters mental stuff that I've gone through, whether it needs a label or not, and exaggerating it a bit to allow for tense if not outright stressful character interactions, which I really like playing out in RPs and writing in general.