Okay *takes a deep breath* Third GM announcement of the day. It seems that I need to step in and write down a bunch of rules for each and every little thing^^ [url=http://swordartonline.wikia.com/wiki/Sword_Skills]Sword Skills.[/url] Do [b][u]NOT[/u][/b] list more than one sword skill for your character. You are only level 15. You're obviously not going to have unlocked all the skills or even half of them. To unlock your second skill, you will need to discuss it with a GM and use an RP opportunity to do so. They aren't automatically transferred to your brain just because you waved your sword around. Now, to make this very clear. Everyone gets [b]one[/b] sword skill by default. To unlock your second one, you have to be level 15 and get GM permission for it. Write out an exciting quest or mini boss fight. Make it something worthwhile. And hey, if you're lucky, character development! These skills are something you have to work hard for. And yes, before the ranting starts, I know that the skills listed in the wiki are unbalanced. One handed sword users get a bajillion while Dagger users get two. I assure you that we will fix this problem by... creating new skills when it comes to that. All good? Happy? Great^^ Those of you who have listed sword kills, please go update your CS. [b]Just call me Lili, Assassin of Fun[/b]