[URL=http://s1302.photobucket.com/user/enrika01/media/Dylan-G_zpsf768aee8.png.html][IMG]http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag138/enrika01/Dylan-G_zpsf768aee8.png[/IMG][/URL] [b]Tagress Guild[/b] Dylan had been hungry but watching Estelle shovel food into her mouth the way she did was actually a bit nauseating. Leaning back in his chair he settled on nursing his cup of coffee. He had been denied all caffeine in the hospital, which wasn’t the worst since he might have been slightly addicted, but he did miss the stuff. [i]"What else do you want to do today, Estelle?"[/i] “Yes,” he echoed, “that’s a very good question. I think we should all do something fun, get out of the town.” His eyes lit up. “Oh, I know! Let me grab a canvas and paint and we can go out on a picnic. It’s a sunny afternoon and we can bring some wine and snacks. I can paint, Lisette can play with Kapi, and...you all can chase butterflies or something.” Turning about, he searched the Guild for Don. “Where’s Big Bro gotten too? He’s been down lately, I’m sure he’d love this!”