---------------------- [hider=Uicle]UserName: Rtron Character name: Uicle Age: 195 Mageblood type: Obligatio/Aqua Favoured Magic Class: Necromancy/Hydromancy(not by choice, by necessity. Those are the ONLY mageblood classes he possesses.) Previous Magic training: A variety of Necromancy teachers, as the God Aarem is easily displeased, and Uicle had the unfortunate luck of having the teachers to do that displeasing. His Hydromancy training came from years of study in Twilight College. He is currently the Necromancy teacher. Race: Yarosmere Human(Formerly) Appearance: [img=http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/gw/images/a/a6/Avatar_of_Grenth_concept_art.jpg] A cruel joke from Aarem. Uicle's soul is bound to the staff, but he can stretch it out to possess whatever, or whoever, is holding the staff. In this case, it's a suit of armor. The suit of armor is about seven feet tall. Short Bio: Uicle was born in Yarosmere, roughly a 100, a 110 years ago. For most of his life he worked with his father and his mother, helping them run their general store. He didn't display his original mageblood of Obligatio until the age of 29. Rather than be forced into the military for his mageblood, he left to go to the Mage College. He made it across Yarosmere easily enough, but when he got to Djarkel things got considerably more...difficult. Uicle wasn't a soldier, he was a store owner. He didn't even have his own mageblood yet. So when some bandit's came and decided they wanted both his money and his life, well, he put up a paltry resistance, but he still ended up with a dagger in his stomach, bleeding his lifeblood out onto the ground. There were very few Gods one could pray to who would stop the natural course of life. The only one who came to Uicle's mind when he was dying was that of Aarem. Having no other choice, and not wanting to die, Uicle offered his soul to the God Aarem in return for his death being prevented. Aarem granted his wish, though it didn't stop at preventing his death right then, it stopped his aging entirely. Uicle was immortal. And what was he to do with his new found immortality? Cause as much suffering to as many people as possible. For majority of his time as an immortal, Uicle shoved his morals and disgust at the actions back into his mind and did what he had to do. Hundreds, thousands, have died because of his actions. More have experienced days, months, years of intense suffering because of him. Poisoning wells. Burning down homes. Torture. Causing a local lord to crack down viciously on his subjects. Inciting a riot or a doomed rebellion. Causing a Snow Elf tribe to tear itself apart. Anything that would cause suffering, he did it. Over the years, however, it became harder and harder to repress his self-disgust and guilt. But he managed to hide it. He'd seen what Aarem did to those who started regretting their decisions publicly. It wasn't pretty, and it usually happened to his Necromancy teachers, ancient men who had grown sick of their foul work. Regardless, as he continued on, he began moving more and more away from innocents, and more into criminals and people he classified as 'evil'. He grew more reckless, hoping for a death that Aarem could call natural and not suspect the truth behind it. At first, Aarem didn't notice, and Uicle remained frustratingly alive. Eventually, however, the God [i]did[/i] notice his actions, and demanded an answer. Uicle gave an honest, and very hateful, spiteful, and regretful, answer. Naturally, Aarem was...displeased, to put it lightly, with this revelation. Still, he didn't immediately doom Uicle to a hellish existence. Uicle had been one of his most successful and longest lasting servants. Rather, he tried to 'persuade' Uicle to reconsider his decision. Which meant lots of pain and torture. Finally, when it became clear Uicle had resigned himself to his fate, Aarem just threw him away into one of his realms of eternal agony. Or, the god tried to at least. For reasons still unknown to Uicle, the god Ren intervened, saving his life...or what passes for life now anyways. Rather than letting Aarem throw Uicle into an agonizing existence, Ren forced the God of Evil to return Uicle to life. Perhaps he should have been a bit more specific. Uicle was returned to life, but as he is now. Trapped in a staff that used to be carried by a Hydromancer, whose armor Uicle now possesses. The Hydromancer was killed in Uicle's process of being returned to life. Aarem tried to cut Uicle off from his mageblood completely, but did something...peculiar by accident. Rather than leaving Uicle a soul in a staff, he only cut off half of his mageblood, and gave him the other half of the poor Hydromancers. Uicle suspects Ren had more to do with the latter than Aarem, but hey. When you're given such a gift, you don't question it. Up until about fifteen years ago, Uicle wandered the land, righting his wrongs. Unfortunately, he couldn't rebuild the tribe, it being destroyed. But he could do more for those who he didn't kill or destroy. Rebuild their homes, give them money. Help them out anyway he can. Eventually, he had done all he could to help, he decided to learn his new found mageblood a bit more. Years of study followed and he was offered the position of Necromancy teacher, as the other one had died of age. He accepted, and has remained in the College till this day. Good Attributes: Painless: Do to the nature of his soul, Uicle doesn't feel pain, and what would normally be a killing blow isn't. One could chop off his armor's head and he'd still be alive and kicking, as long as he possessed the armor. This, however, doesn't mean he can use unlimited blood. That, in fact, is where his green glow comes from. The more blood he uses and the closer he comes to over using his power, the dimmer the light becomes. Third eye: Uicle can have 'an eye in the back of his head', so to speak. He can be watching from the front of his armor, while at the same time facing the glowing green part of the top of his staff backwards, seeing through that as well. Therefore, sometimes it is rather hard to sneak up on him. Restless Soul: Uicle can't sleep. At all. He physically cannot go to sleep. Torturer:Don't have Uicle interrogate you. He will use very painful methods designed to cause a large amount of suffering. Aarem was good for something at least. Bad Attributes: Trapped: Uicle's entire existence hinges on that staff touching someone or something mobile. The second he's alone in the staff, he's useless. He can't manipulate liquids, or summon spirits from the Pit. If he's alone in the staff and someone breaks it...Uicle ceases to exist. No Pit. No rebirth. Just eternal torment at Aarem's hands. Cursed by the Gods: Just because Uicle is no longer a servant of and can't be killed by Aarem, doesn't mean he still isn't punished by the God. Aarem, it seems, has made it a pet project to make Uicle pay for his betrayal. Uicle's life can be turned hellish in a second. To the casual observer he just has really, really, [i]really[/i] bad luck. The God of Evil is sometimes joined by others who don't feel a hybrid blood user should be walking around unpunished. Secret Word: Rebirth [/hider]