Name : Lunera Age : 19 She really is around 2,000 years old Race : She's a goddess of Protection and knowldage History : she was born in the world of Ancient Greece and was a teacher of the gods. She gave her life to protect the weak and slay those who werew evil to others. She saved many people and died as a titan named Cronos killed her to destroy Olympus. She was brought to Olympus by Hades and there she was made a goddess of protection. The years went by and now in modern day Greece the Titans have awoken and its time to save the world once more. Picture : [img][/img] Her pet Ayerl Her true form [img][/img] what humans see [img][/img] Powers : she can make forcefeilds, she can talk with the gods, she can commincate with natureand animals and she can also gain the ability of an animal for awhile. Qualities that define her : She's amazingly smart, she can adapt to anything thrown her way. She's very loving and cares for everyone. She tends to be afree spirit and she is a strong leader. She loves to help others and leave her own worries to help that of human beings.