Lucy followed Jurano's example, taking notes vigorously and devoting the utmost attention to the lesson at hand. Some students still gave her curious looks, under the assumption that her and Jurano were some kind of couple, but she payed them no mind and continued going about her day. Or rather, she could go about her day if the pain didn't start to act up again. It was dull and distant, nothing too serious to worry about. Still, it was present enough to distract her mind on the task at hand and dwell into...much darker things. She stopped writing and placed her pen down, clutching one hand at her chest descreetly so no one would notice. She didn't need to bother anyone with her...weakness. No, she would handle it by herself. Alone. Like she had always done before. Trying to distract herself until the day ended, the red head turned to stare at the window and looked over the world outside. But all that served to do was remind her of where exactly she lived. A world ruled by the Ultimatum. The thought almost made her throw up right then and there as her mind wandered over to memories that were best left forgotten... (No problem)