Yggdrasil gave one heave of it's massive wings, generating a wind storm strong enough to throw Jarrod all the way back to the ground. He landed unceremoniously, dusting himself off and looking up at the great dragon above. "Ok, so this isn't really working out...how so we beat this thing again?" He helped Angelo and Corvain finish off the rest of the knighted Anomalies, plunging his blade in their chests and using his wind magic to blow them apart from the inside out. When at last they had finally taken on at least the majority of them, Jarrod turned to the sky once more....only to stop and point at an impossible sight. "Uh, guys? It's not coming closer to us...is it?" Unfortunately it was, as Yggdrasil slowly descended downwards until it was practically standing before them on its four legs. In the sky the thing was huge, but up close it was simply massive. Jarrod gripped his sword in preparation just in case when Corvain's question cut off his thoughts of battle. Come to think of it, where was Ananeas? Had he ran and fled the battle? Maybe he was taking shelter somewhere? The swordsman didn't have time to ponder these worrying thoughts as Yggdrasil opened its jaws to speak once more. This time, a different line was heard through the multitude of voices. [b]Why.....do you.....resist the....truth...?[/b]