I've been watching some of his videos on his youtube channel and damn...this guy clearly had something wrong with him. Most of his videos are basically him whining about how shitty his life is despite the fact his family is rich (He's the Son of the Assistant Director of the Hunger Games, He's 22 and his car is pretty fucking good for his age) and compared to others his age he's got it amazingly. And yet his obsession with women drove him to murder, this one aspect of his life made him feel committing mass murder was actually a solution. This guy clearly had the hugest ego I've ever seen (And I know people with huge egos, this guy just beats them by miles), the arrogance astounds me. He reminds me of one of those guys who has a serious case of Nice Guy Syndrome or has been listening to one too many Pick Up Artist Videos except taken to an absolute extreme. He literally thought just by existing he should get girls. And you want to know what the worse part is, for any of you who go on Reddit apparently some of this guys videos have appeared on r/cringe a couple of days before this mass murder happened. He was just like all those other cringe worthy virgins who believe that their entire lives are defined by women, complain about their lack of women expecting them to just appear and are literally raised on material from r/redpill and Extreme Men's Rights, except this guy went on a rampage. It almost makes me wonder how many of those people might be capable of such an act.