[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b]Tagress Guild[/b] "Hey!" called out an obnoxiously loud, booming voice from behind them. "Nobody touched my food did they?" Moira loomed behind a couple of seats, a drink in each hand... of the alcoholic variety of course. For once she was quite covered up, with the jacket Don chose for her before they set off to Vandrell, and a pair of opaque tights under her skirt. In fact, she looked pretty much in full health... which is pretty much what she was aiming for. After all, the bandaging she still had on one forearm and her shoulder did not do her tough persona any favours. No, she was hiding that shit. Just as long as nobody patted her shoulder, nobody would be smashing through any windows backwards. It was all good. She weaved between the two seats before plonking herself heavily in the seat which much like Estelle had some pretty massive portions laid out in front of it. Well, she couldn't eat without something to wash it down, right? And boy, had she ever taken advantage of Tiberius' offer. That's Moira for you. Syed, by her side as ever, gently eased himself in the seat between her and Marcus. In contrast to her he appeared to have healed up almost completely, with his worst cuts now hair thin, dotted lines of scabs which will probably dissapear over the next few days. Even his worst bruise, the one which at one point had practically covered half of his chest was gone. Shame the injury under there was still present. And probably will be for some time more. At least he was getting used to working around it. To a stranger it might look like Moira was carrying both of their drinks to the table. But no they were just for her, her drink which was to accompany her food already downed before it even got to the table. Moira almost immediately started wolfing down her meal, while Syed stared at his comparitively tiny serving of fries for a second before cautiously giving it a sniff. The events at Vandrell, followed by Elaine's toxic soup had really knocked his confidence with food for six. He's make his own food if he could. If other people weren't likely to spew fire at how spicy he made it. He didn't really know what he was looking for... sniffing for though. His sense of smell was decidedly average after all. It smelt good enough? He remembered Trixie sniffing around her food at the manor. Oh geez was she rubbing off on him? That's a bit embarrassing, considering everything. But maybe she could smell something in it? She does sniff around things a lot. [i]Urgh, just eat it already before you get a complex.[/i] "Now this is more like it!" Moira cheered, holding a glass in the air before chugging at the dark coloured liquid within. The food was better than that bland, tasteless hospital crap. Not that it stopped her scoffing her face with that too. "Yeah, I think I'd have gone mad if I had to stay there any longer," Syed nodded. "You know I ended up counting how many ceiling tiles that room had in it. [i]Twice[/i]." He turned to Marcus with a grin. The wind mage was looking towards Estelle, but he hoped he wouldn't mind him saying his piece. "Still, at least we're all back together. I don't think I ever got a chance to properly thank you for that, Marcus." Suddenly his eyes widened, and his voice became hushed as he clapped his hands over his mouth. "Wait... does she know that?! I didn't just blow it did I oh geez I'm so sorry...!" Moira turned her attention to the others at the table, listening idly to the conversation. Dylan was talking about a picnic, which she was a bit dismissive about for the two seconds or so until he said the word wine. "Ey ey I'm up for it!" she cheered. "As long as it can go on the tab." She shrugged at the mention of Don's whereabouts. Sod if she knew.