Allrite here we go 8-P [b]Application[/b] [img][/img] [i]Basic Info[/i] Name: Mina Hargrove Date of birth: 13/09/2000 Age: you have ^, do the math :P Female Height: 150cm Weight: 55kg Hair: Blonde Skin: Whiter than sour cream Personality/Traits: Mina has been born blind. As such, her world is composed of what she could hear, smell, taste and most f all feel the shape of with her touch. She doesn't understand the concept of color aside from what she was taught in physics class about it's wavelengths. Due to her handicap she doesn't make friends everywhere, but on the other hand those who have doubts about their appearance approach her quite regularly. Mina doesn't enjoy reality, often running from it into fantasies. Short background description: Born in Scotland to a wealthy family, Mina had genetic damage to her optical nerves, never able to see. That fact made it easier for herself and her family to adapt, ash the girl never knew anything else. Her father's money could buy the specialized education she needed, but when talking with other kids in the neighborhood, she always had the feeling she was missing out on life. She started withdrawing from people and staying alone in her quiet, dark room, with only a handful of real friends visiting her every so often. She tried to volunteer for some experiments that could give her sight, but the nature of her disability ruled that out forever once identified. she was however forwarded to a different group of scientists, whose technology might allow her to experience the world in colors.