Dante walked a few steps ahead of his nurse. Lost in thought as his feet mindlessly lead him down the hall. Only deviating his course when he felt the firm jab of a finger into his side to turn. He grumbled under his breath, eyeing the nurse over his shoulder maliciously after each jab. He sighed. Maybe he was too quick to judge this place. It wasn't nearly going to be as fun as he had originally thought when offered the grand array of food. Curse his soft spot for food! It had always clouded his better judgement! Mentally scolding himself not to get distracted by warm pancakes again! Though in the back of his mind he knew he was no match for the fluffy angel disks. Hearing wet feet slapping against the tile Dante looked up to see a dripping wet silvery-blue woman half sprinting towards them. As she passed Dante with a trail of wind he looked back only to see Greg get tackle hugged to the ground with a loud thud. Dante simply stood there, a bit perplexed at the whole situation. For one the strange color of the girl but mostly how friendly she was to Greg. Seriously.... It's Greg. A bit lost for words Dante simply rubbed his fingers through the messy tufts of hair curiously. He was about to help the girl up but before he could she had already done so herself. It wasn't long before Greg got up in a huff and stomped away, ending their interaction with the show of his anger. Dante couldn't help but laugh a little. He did quite enjoy the discomfort in the nurse. His eyes adjusted back to the girl as she faced him. His hues scanning her up and down curiously, trying to figure out [i]what[/i] she was. This place was certainly filled with odd creatures. At least this one looked relatively beautiful, despite the rows of sharp teeth. Dante laughed once more as she spoke of Greg as a bastard, he could not have stated the sentiment better himself. Apparently the whole act was simply to stab into the nurses nerves than any true sort of friendship display. He was glad he wasn't the only one who thought of the man as a genuine, grade A,FDA approved A-Hole. Hearing her introduce herself he had to admit that her true name was actually quite lovely to hear; though he would sounds like an idiot trying to reproduce the sounds she just made. So Bernadette was a good substitute. "Dante Veneti." He spoke smoothly, a rich tone while letting his true Italian accent shine through. Gently Dante took the girls hand in his own, bringing it up he placed a charming kiss to the back of the oddly colored skin of her hand; his deep green eyes looking up at her for a reaction. He simply control himself from flirting. He certainly had a problem. "It is a pleasure, Bernadette." He continued as he released her hand and stood up straight. "Any enemy of Greg's is a friend of mine!" He announced with a soft chuckle, his lips creasing into a faint grin. At the offer to let Bernadette continue his tour of the institute he simply nodded. "That'd be lovely, Bernie. Do you mind if I call you that? Or do you prefer Bernadette?" He said with a gesture of his hand to continue while the walk. Though behind the facade of his charming smile the voice began to chirp. [b][i]'Why Dante... What an exotic snack... She looks quite delectable... Maybe serve her up with a little salt... Oh, who am I kidding... Salt goes straight to our thighs..'[/i][/b] Dante softly laughed, he might hate the voice but he was right. Salt was definitely not a friend to their figure. No! His figure! ...His figure...