Morena had been fidgeting with everything she could in the front of the bus, she was bored sitting there. It was definitely time consuming but when they would get their she knew she would have a lot of fun. [b]"Luna, Alicia, River. Your guide will be Professor Torres. Oona, Danny and Naka. Your guide will be Professor Vaughn. Francesca, Duncan and Harley. Your guide is Coach DiAngelo And finally, Mila, Rory, Morena, Professor Faraday will be your guide."[/b] Morena smiled slightly, nodding towards the headmistress, she ignored the warning on not using her powers but knew she wouldn't anyways.Her powers were dangerous enough already, it would be horrible to use them in a museum. Stepping out of the bus with a huff she looked around, it was beautiful here! She knew it was just a museum but it was seriously amazing! So with a smile she got into her group, looking between them and following them. When the explosions hit she had crouched, looking around silently as the red crystal on her necklace started to glow, she had shrugged it off this time though and waited silently for the explosions to die down. [b]"What the hell was that? Is everyone okay?"[/b] Mila had asked, Morena shrugged and smiled lightly. "I don't know, maybe we should check it out later? For now I assume it's safe to say it was nothing."