[img=http://costumeshopcomau.melbourneitwebsites.com/auto/sb-plugin-gopix/fantasyfaraway/fantasy_01_gold_pirate_wench.jpg] [B]Lucy Dunaway[/B] Nicknames/Titles: "Loosey Lucy" Age: 21 Gender: Female Allegiance: None, though lives in a pirate port Allegiance Faction: None Role: Prostitute Personality: Lucy is a greedy, conniving, cowardly, selfish wench. She cares for little except for her own self. She is attractive and she flaunts it. Partially because it's her one outstanding feature, partially because she's not very intelligent and knows it. Enhanced Ability: None Biography: Lucy was born in a whorehouse, an accident, one of many that end up as a result of the services offered there. Her mother, weakened by syphilis, died in childbirth. She was raised by the women there in a communal fashion, working at doing the dishes, sweeping the floors and the like until she was of age to be brought into the trade herself. She once dreamed that she was the daughter of a wealthy prince and that he would some day rescue her. Those days are long behind her. Now she just hopes she'll find herself a nice suitor before her charms fade. Luckily, she's still young and has some years left before that becomes a problem. Likes: Coin, Powerful Rich Suitors, Rum and other Spirits Dislikes: Cheapskates, Magistrates Family: Lucy has no idea who her father is and her mother died in childbirth. Weapons: A small knife secreted in her dress Miscellaneous: Lucy is illiterate