Here it is the actual CS Bin! [hider=Elu] First Name: Fantasia Middle Name (Optional): Elu Last Name (Optional): Nickname (Optiona): Elu Age (Between 14-16): 15 Birthday (Day and Month): July 5th Gender: Female [img][/img] Class (EAT or NOT): EAT Abilities: Soul Perception Personality: Elu is a smart girl and is very brave. She's protective of her friends. She's pretty out going and friendly but when she or her friends are insulted she becomes hostile. She's also pretty hostile and cold towards her weapon Backstory (Optional): Elu doesn't remember anything from before she was 10. All she remembers was waking up in Death City. She was found by a old women who took her in. Elu could only remember her name and birthday but that was all of her past she could remember. When she was 12 the old women passed away leaving her all alone. When she was old enough she started school at the DWMA and met her weapon partner that day but has been partners with him off and on due to their differences and coldness towards eachother Other: [/hider]