I'd prefer pms. I do low-high casual. I really enjoy realistic roleplays (no fantasy unless I really like the idea, definitely no magic but maybe supernatural?). I don't really like fandom but again if the idea is good enough I might. I'd like romance and some mature scenes with fade to black (and in some cases beyond that). Exchange student X Local College roommates Open lesbian X shy 'straight' girl Patient X therapist Coworkers Bad X Good Internet friends Sex worker X Client Dreamer X Dream character I'd also really like to do some of these anime inspired like in the way the characters act and speak and funny things that could happen - I'm thinking like School Rumble, Lovely Complex etc [Hider=More detailed pairings][B]A girl who had an explicit video of her leaked X boy [/b] I play a girl who had a video of her doing something sexual leaked, set in high school, senior year. She's put up with years of bullying after it happened, the guy starts getting closer to her, yadda yadda yadda. [/hider] Some tv/movie/book stuff I like that I might do: Harry Potter - OCs, post deathly hallows Breaking Bad - just this kind of universe, OCs, not really sure how this would work Orange is the New Black - OCs, would honestly just like to do a prison thing Doctor Who - big maybe, an original Doctor and companion could be cool though Perks of Being a Wallflower - maybe some canon characters miced with OCs? An Inspector Calls - not even based on the play, just want some murder mystery honestly - Hunger Games (most likely tributes, OCs) - I literally can't think of any others right now but I will add more Open to discussions of any other pairings! Any ideas can be discussed via pms :sun: