[quote=Kaga] First, life in Washington:This spread seems to suggest that your biggest obstacle may be your own lack of confidence.For starters, we open with the King of Wands, which suggests a lack of ambition or drive. This is understandable, moving someplace new. Below, we see some of the specifics of what this trip will bring. Firstly, the Page of Cups, which suggests potential problems with the people you'll meet. It could either mean that you'll meet new people that you very quickly discover you don't like, or it could mean that you'll just have trouble making friends in general - not necessarily making enemies, though. Next, though, we have the Three of Pentacles, which often represents the first steps of starting something new, with early signs of progress. Given the more physical nature of the Pentacles suit, this is most likely referring to your schooling, and predicting good things ahead. Lastly, we have the Five of Wands, which is about conflict and competition. Suddenly you're finding yourself surrounded by others in your new life with whom you feel the need to measure yourself against - perhaps these new faces will make you feel outranked, or as if you don't belong. It seems, though, that all the issues presented here come back to the King of Wands and the aforementioned lack of self-confidence - hinting at the possibility that these issues could all just be in your head, or at the very least, you're exaggerating them to proportions beyond what they really are. Perhaps all these social issues coming up really aren't the fault of the people in Washington, but more accurately reflect your own shyness or inability to get along with these new people.Next, the trip itself:A shorter response for a shorter message: this spread seems to suggest excess worrying, or perhaps over-embellishing what the trip will be like before it has even started.We open with the Seven of Cups, the card of imagination and dreams. Beneath it, we have the Wheel of Fortune, which, in its current position represents a lack of understanding of events, or perhaps just a lack of anything interesting having happened lately. After that, we have The Emperor, which suggests an inability to take control of a situation. These three cards together seem to suggest that you may already be imagining what the trip will be like, or more accurately, worrying about it. You've come up with potential scenarios that, as the Wheel of Fortune suggest, probably won't happen. And, as The Emperor reminds you, you are not the one in-control of these events - what your mind comes up with is not likely an accurate portrayal of future events. Lastly, though, we have The Empress, which suggests allowing what will happen to happen - going with the flow, so to speak. tl;dr - You worry too much. I'm sure you'll be fine. [/quote] Okay so for schooling: " Just fucking do it and don't dramatise why other people there don't like you." and for the trip "Stop fucking worrying about nothing." Okay I'm cool with this. Thanks :)