There's plenty of counties in Ohio to go around. I'm not going to try and find them all. But sense we are: keep yourselves from Traverse Bay, Michigan. I got things to do in wine country. And while I'm back here, might as well put out my generic application sheet for things like this: [quote][b]Faction[/b]: [b]Location[/b]: (mark roughly on map) [b]History[/b]:[/quote] There's also one additional bit on information to add to the loose history of the RP. Something I've added and maybe two elements in the post-black out world that I'd like to see consistent. But I'll explain them tomorrow after work (if I don't get caught up in pre-Memorial Day partying). And then maybe re-organize the OP to work in a formal RP OP. But use the app to devise at least a proto-type concept, and we'll see if you can fashion what I got yet to write out tomorrow.