Ace was tapping commands on the main screen ahead of him, mostly just going through his checklists again while the team boarded the shuttle. He then took the datapad from a pocket to the left of his chair, connecting to the ship and ordering Dora to execute the insertion to a lower orbit. "Executing retrograde burn." Dora's voice came from the datapad and the ship started to move, first adjusting attitude in the direction opposite of where the ship was headed and then activating its main engines for a couple seconds, before turning them off, coasting to its destination where it would make a second burn for orbit stabilization. Ace placed the datapad down on the pocket once more, happy with the course the ship was on at the moment, before going back to his checklists. Just then, he heard a voice from the back of the shuttle yelling a question at him. He turned around, leaning to his side so he could look back at them, noticing it was the one everyone nicknamed One Eye. "Ten minutes tops, O'Connol!" He said, glad that he had taken the time to learn the names of the ones he was ferrying to the surface. "We'll take longer finding our LZ than breaking atmo, quite honestly." He added before turning ahead once more, looking up after a moment and flipping a switch. "Okay, all ready here! Are we leaving yet?" He said once more, leaning back on his chair and relaxing.