[hider=”Shikata, Ayameko”][center] [b]Shikata, Ayameko[/b] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/2r756w6.jpg[/IMG] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/xclv9d.png[/img] 【[u]Full Name[/u]】 [i]Shikata, Ayameko[/i] 【[u]Title[/u]】 [i]Shodai Sankage Hyakuyondaime Hokage Yotogodaime Tanikage Shichishodai Shikata Ayameko[/i] 【[u]Occupation[/u]】 [i]Sankage[/i] 【[u]Gender[/u]】 [i]Female[/i] 【[u]Age[/u]】 [i]73[/i] 【[u]Sexuality[/u]】 [i]Straight[/i] [img]http://i45.tinypic.com/23msj6g.png[/img] 【[u]Birth Country[/u]】 [i] Kawa no Kuni (Land of Rivers), Tanigakure[/i] 【[u]Current Village[/u]】 [i]Kyokujitsugakure[/i] 【[u]Affiliation[/u]】 [i]Kyokujitsu no Tochi[/i] 【[u]Shinobi Rank[/u]】 [i]Sankage[/i] [img]http://i50.tinypic.com/2ugi328.png[/img] 【[u]Personality[/u]】 [i]Pending[/i] 【[u]History[/u]】 [i]Ayameko was born in the Land of Rivers, in a village outside of Tanigakure. She never aspired to become Tanikage, but events would push her down that path. Her academy days were very uneventful. The Land of Rivers was small and it was easy for Ayameko to get the attention she needed from her teachers. She was far from a prodigy. Ayameko had to spend longer on much of her work, but what set her apart in her academy days was her work ethic and ingenuity. Ayameko's written submissions were always intriguing for her sensei, with the material she was discussing going far beyond her grade level and into heavily researched theory. It was Ayameko's refusal to settle for the expected or simple answer that made her one of the strongest graduates from Tanigakure. Post academy, at 18, Ayameko pushed herself heavily into medical research, in particular genetics and neuroscience. It was unusual for a fresh out of academy Gennin to be working in that kind of advanced research. However, Ayameko made sure she was a useful part of the team, pushing herself to take on the hardest tasks she could in an effort to learn as much as she could. It would earn her a glowing recommendation for Chuunin and many accolades on her research on genetics and botanicals, in particular the creation of plants that produced certain natural instances of medicines for common diseases. At 25, when out in the field, Ayameko would fall in love with a young Uchiha, Hatsuko, from the Land of Fire. Their romance was quite legendary and after two years, they married. However, Ayameko refused to leave the Land of Rivers, knowing her people needed her, especially giving the failing health of the current Tanikage. The two would travel back and forth between their nations to see each other twice a month. This continued for the next eight years. At 33, the Ten Tails appeared in the Land of Wind, with little fanfare. The swift destruction of the Wind caught many of the nations offguard. After the beast destroyed almost all of Sunagakure, the remnants of the Wind were joined by the forces from many of the other small nations, as well as the Land of Fire and Land of Earth. Together, they took a stand at the border of the Land of Wind and Amegakure. The current Tanikage, already in poor health, was quickly destroyed by the beast. The ancient relic of the Land of Rivers, the Totsuka no Tsurugi, now lay on the ground with no wielder. Ayameko, no stranger to taking on the hardest tasks, picked up the weapon. Quickly, she organized the now disorganized troops with the assistance of Hatsuko, eventually the combined effort being capable of restraining the beast long enough for the Totsuka no Tsurugi to split the beast into the nine other beasts. Unable to fight on nine fronts, the focus was to push back most of the beasts and try to restrain as many as possible. It was during this first battle, both the One and Two tails were able to be sealed and stored away within the shrines. Exhausted, but inspired by their ability to restrain these threats, the soldiers returned to their homelands for a brief respite as the remaining beasts scattered. Returning to Tanigakure, Ayameko was quickly ushered into the role as Tanikage. At first she refused the position, stating there were others with more combat experience, and better credentials than herself. However, she eventually relented to the people of the Land of Rivers and became their Tanikage. The next three years of her role as Tanikage consisted primarily of tracking down and sealing the remaining bijuu. This fostered a strong relationship with the Land of Fire. After sealing away all but two of the beasts, Ayameko would return to the Land of Fire for a council with the current Hokage, Hokage Shichijūnin Shikata Kibō. Once again, the beasts, along with fate, ushered her into a role she never intended to take. The Nine Tails, having spent much of its time destroying the outlying territories bordering the Land of Fire made a move on Konohagakure during the Council. Hokage Shichijūnin Shikata Kibō and Ayameko took up arms against the beast. In the fight, Ayameko's right arm was ripped off, in an effort to prevent her from utilizing the Totsuka no Tsurugi. However, the sword was saved by a wandering monk, an ally from across the seas who had spent the last three years sealing the bijuu with Ayameko. The Hokage, however, fared worse than her - losing his life in the battle with the creature. His soul returned to Yggdrasil, the historical selector of the leadership of the Land of Fire. Knowing the necessity of having a leader for the Land of Fire, Yggdrasil reached out to Ayameko in the battle and selected her as the Hokage. Invoking the power of the previous Hokage, Ayameko was able to open up the ground beneath the Nine Tails and suppress the beast long enough to allow the strange monk to seal the beast. After the conflict, Ayameko's selection as Hokage was met with skepticism. Not only was she not a native to the Land of Fire, but she had position as another Kage. Hatsuko argued with the council on her behalf, eventually resulting in him resigning his position in frustration with the stubbornness of the leadership. A week after the destruction of Konoha, Ayameko was called in front of the very council she had come to the Land of Fire to meet - this time to debate the legitimacy of her leadership. After hours of receiving a verbal beating from the elders, Ayameko stood to leave, knowing she could not say anything to change their mind. However, knowing that its selection was being question, Yggdrasil reached out to the entire Land of Fire at once - something entirely unheard of. Blasted with mental images of her feats, and who she was as a person, the council, as well as the people relented. Despite her advanced healing techniques, she could not recreate a flesh and blood arm for herself, the effects of the Kyuubi's removal of her arm preventing the regrowth needed. Hatsuko, now informed of Ayameko's pregnancy with twins, set out to the Mastersmith of the Land of Fire, Masazane Iyo. Combining their knowledge, Iyo and Ayameko were able to create an arm of metal that would respond to her will, much like her real arm would have. Seals at the end of her arm were placed to convert the signals from her nerve endings into understandable commands for the metal arm. At 36, ten months after the events in the Land of Fire, Ayameko would give birth to twins - one boy, one girl. However, she would be immediately called away to seal away the last of the beasts, hiding in the southeast of the Land of Fire, in territory once owned by the Land of Water. The battle should have been seemingly simple, but Hatsuko would be poisoned by the beast in the battle, a poison unlike anything Ayameko had encountered. Despite her best efforts, Ayameko was unable to create an anti-toxin capable of dealing with the effects of the bijuu's poison, Hatsuko dying within the month. Even worse, her son would be taken as well, both children exposed to the poison through their father. Ayameko, who also suffered, only survived due to her distant heritage as a Senju - giving her a remarkable life force. However, Ayameko was able to synthesize an anti-toxin in the month following Hatsuko's death which allowed her to save her daughter, Touzoku. Despite all of the Tailed Beasts being sealed, their destruction was not easily recovered from. Many of the smaller nations had populations starving and suffering. Those with malicious intent often took advantage of these struggling lands, which made it even worse. With most on the bring of destruction, the smaller lands requested to join with the larger nations which were still able to support themselves. Ayameko, who would have been content with merely giving aid to these lands, knew that the Council would not provide aid without gaining territory. Ayameko would be forced to take on these new lands as a part of her recovering nation. The years that followed were as chaotic as could be expected. Most of the nation's had significantly weakened military, making enforcement of anything nearly impossible. Equally difficult was Ayameko's Council, who had returned to opposing her leadership. In a surprise move, Ayameko removed the Council's authority by opening up elections for the Council - which had been historically appointed by the Hokage. Under her guidance, the Council was replaced with representatives from each of the Lands, most of which were their former Kage. This structure worked well for many years, and restoration efforts were able to be enacted with minimal opposition. However, it could be argued the recovery was too successful. Seeing many of their old, native lands returning to prosperity, there was a call from some of the people for a return to independence. In an effort to unite the people, Ayameko remade her nation as Kyokujitsu no Tochi, making the Land of Fire merely a territory within it. Under this, a new government would be born and each territory would have equal chance of being having a leader selected. Each would present candidates to Yggdrasil when it came time to select the new Sankage. Ayameko moved the capital north, keeping Konohagakure as a city for the Land of Fire, as well as a memorial for what was lost. The new capital would become Kyokujitsugakure and would be considered independent from the territories, despite being in the confines of the Land of Fire. In her 60s, Ayameko would fall in love again, to a Hyuuga man. They would marry, but his health would fail a decade later. He would give Ayameko his Byakugan with the words, "So you can see through eyes that have only cried for you." Ayameko continues in her role as Sankage.[/i] [img]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png[/img] 【[u]Chakra Nature(s)[/u]】 Fuuton Suiton* Doton* Mokuton* The natures related to Mokuton are a trait granted by her connection with Yggdrasil and her position as Sankage. 【[u]Abilities and Special Traits[/u]】 [i]Pending[/i] [img]http://i50.tinypic.com/2h5tkk2.png[/img] 【[u]Weapons, Tools and Equipment[/u]】 [b]Name of Weapon or Item:[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png[/img] 【Kekkei Genkai】 [b]Name of Kekkei Genkai:[/b] Mokuton [b]Clan:[/b] N/A [b]Description:[/b] Allows usage of the Mokuton Chakra Nature. [b]Name of Kekkei Genkai:[/b] Byakugan [b]Clan:[/b] Hyuuga [b]Description:[/b] Grants the Byakugan. 【[u]Canon Jutsu[/u]】 【[u]Custom Jutsu[/u]】 [/center] [/hider]