[b]The next morning[/b] The Wardens were busy, they had been sense before the predawn breakfast. Each of the warriors was busy securing their weapons and belongings for the horse ride back to the capital, or helping one of the foreigners secure their belongings to the extra horses. At the head Sarin was nearly finished with his own horse, but for now he sat and waited for the others to be finished, mindlessly tossing a silver in the air, watching as it caught the dim torch light. This was in fact on of two silvers that Imast had lost the night before. Sarin smiled, it wasn't that Imast was a bad dice player, he just didn't know how to read the dice or how to quit while ahead, either way the game last night had cost him. As he flipped the coin he was approached by the Warden captain "Sir!" The captain bowed and moved into a relaxed stance "We are all ready, just waiting on the last of the foreigners and the Ursas." Sarin nodded "Good work, now help the foreigners as much as you can, as for the Ursas they should be along any minute now." Sure enough almost as soon as Sarin had finished talking two large bears, on black the other brown lumbered out of the house, special armor hung from their body along with their packs, which were strapped to their sides. The moved to ether side of Sarin and sat, waiting for the go ahead.