[quote=Kaga] Sure thing!We open with the Three of Wands, which is about the pride felt in one's choices and the sureness of a decent pay-off. Though I'm not sure yet whether or not you're ready to proceed to such a future thanks to the Nine of Swords. The Nine of Swords is about looming anxieties piling up - in this case, your presentations and exams - and advises taking inventory of these things in order to calmly take them on one at a time. Perhaps its suggesting that you're causing yourself to feel stressed by looking at the upcoming week as one big challenge rather than a bunch of smaller ones, and that you should prepare for each challenge individually. Good news is, though, that the next card is The Chariot - a card of taking control and emerging victorious. This is most likely the pride and pay-off seen in the Three of Wands; you've done what you need to do and now you're on top, suggesting that following the Nine of Swords' advice will lead you to a very successful exam week. Strangely, though, the last card here is The High Priestess, which can represent that which is supernatural and obscured. In its position here, it is possible its saying that the farther future is foggy and tough to predict, or perhaps even that you be looking much farther ahead than what's in front of you right now, and instead, make sure you primarily focus on the exams and presentations in front of you now. [/quote] That's good advice for my situation, in more respects than I was actually expecting. Thanks Kaga.