[quote=Halo] Oh, and Grif's massive Spamily map and the associated shenanigans. [/quote] I was wondering if anyone would remember that. <3 [HIDER=Spamily Tree]When the Talbot Family, a small collection of Spam members led by Bela Talbot, grew particularly large, Grif of Hearts was tasked with mapping the connections between the members in the style of a family tree. While simple in theory, very few people had bothered to keep track of the relationships between the member of the Talbot family, leading to a huge number of probably-illegal relationships between individuals involved. When the tree developed into the Spamily Tree, containing all frequent members of the Spam section, it became ever harder to understand. [Img]http://i.imgur.com/6dDjUzj.png[/Img][/HIDER]