(long post warning) (Apollo) Apollo,Julius, and the squad of class As and Bs were waiting inside a pore waiting for the signal. Then one small flying Class E came flying up to the pore and said "the other squads have commence their attack on the surface." Julius said "give the word." Apollo then said "alright let's move out" the squad then came out of the pore right near the village Leo was in. Apollo smiled and said " Attack and when you find that one Elite Warrior that is in this village, Capture him." the entire group surrounded the village and attacked from every direction. (their are harvest squads came on the surface all around the village to distract all the other elite warriors in the area) (Leo) Leo and George were training when the siren went off "Marcrobians?" Leo said as they ran to the HQ. George replied "most likely, but they don't usually attack villages" when the two arrived George said "what's going on" The soldier there said "you gotta hear this" The soldier turned the com on and over the com they said " Class A spotted at Omega gate" "class A spotted at Sigma gate" "Class A spotted at Alpha gate" The soldier said "every gate is calling in seeing Class As" George said "this isn't an attack it's a eradication" George then said "evacuate as many people as you can." The soldier said "sir?" George said "do as I say!" the Soldier saluted and ran off. Leo said "what are we going to do" George said "leave, we can't fight a squad of Class As and Bs." Leo said "we should at least get some intel and find out why they came here." George said "fine, but we have to move now." Leo and George ran outside where chaos was happening the entire village was burning. They went into the second floor of a destroyed building. they crouched down behind the destroyed wall and watched ass the Class As and Bs were going through buildings. They could hear the them saying "this building is clear no one is there." Apollo is then seen walking into view and he yelled "then keep looking, we don't leave till the Elite warrior is found" Leo looked at George and said "they are looking for you?" George didn't answer he was still staring over the wall with a look of horror on his face. Leo looked over the wall to see a macrobian that is bigger than all the class As and Bs "what the hell is that" George said "I have no idea but the Class As are bowing to it and that's what scares me." Leo said "we have to warn the council about this" George nodded and the two began to move toward the door when they heard "where do you think you're going" They both turned to see Apollo and two class As standing on the wall. George then yelled "RUN" George then shot a ball of light at Apollo and the two rand down the stairs and out of the building. Apollo deflected the ball of light with his sword and said "get them" All the class As and Bs ran after the two warriors. George then said "split up that will make it harder" Leo nodded and rain into a building. George suddenly then just stopped running and turned to face the on coming macrobians. Leo was half way through the build when he stopped and said "damn that old man" Leo then dashed upstairs and watched through the window. George was held down by two Class As as Julius walked toward him. Apollo said "we captured the elite Warrior sir" Julius said " find the other one we don't want them knowing our plan yet." A few Class As and Bs ran off to look. Julius said "I think now is the time to show off our new power." A Class A said "what new power?" Julius turned to Apollo and said "will out show them what we learned Class Bs and higher can do" Apollo then turned to George and jabbed him in the stomach with his claw hand and began to drain his power. George began to get pale and George said with the last of his strength "run" and then he turned to dust. Apollo was confused when a Class A said "warrior spotted on second floor" Leo said "crap" Leo then began to run as Class As and Bs began to follow. Leo reached a Gate and ran through as fast as he could. The macrobians stopped at the gate and Leo just kept running. Julius arrived at the gate and said "why did you stop" a Class A said " we just thought...." before the class a could finish Julius Stabbed him with one of his claws and absorbed the energy from the Class A and said "anyone else was to say anything" All the macrobians were quite. Julius then said "everyone return to the underground" (Leo) Leo just kept running till he finally collapsed out side another village. A traveling merchant found him and took him into the village. Leo woke up the next morning and sat up quickly in the bed. "where am I" he said the Merchant said "you are in riverside village just at the shoulder" Leo said "I need to go see the council I have to warn them about the new macrobian." The Merchant said "wait what?" Leo said "you have to believe me" The merchant said "I know a lier when I see one and you are not lying so I believe you." The merchant then took Leo in his cart and headed toward Hearthrown.