[quote=Tempest] In all honesty, I'm not sure about the archangel deal. I believe there were a fixed numbers, and aside from 2 or 3, I don't know of any that have been killed or died. They were immortals and usually, only a god or another archangel (or something equivalently powerful) usually took them down. *furrows my brow* Have to talk to Robert on all that. I genuinely have an idea that could apply for this, if Robert approves... That would give the archangel a history and reasons for being dead... *crosses arms* Meh. As far as the Papacy goes... Still, I don't think -Renalta- would trust them. They're like... Baby-eaters. On top of that. *gestures to the royal family* They kiiind of have a dislike of the papacy, have allies in the other factions, annnnd... Well, that's just the papacy.. Not talking about their possible issues with things like... Angels, some of the religions, etc. They encountered a few cool people, some allies, but it really seemed for the most part during their entire journey... the gods were torturing and attempting to kill them... After destroying the kingdom in the past. And oppressing the world... And more. OH YEAAAAAH. And the papacy is extremely anti-mage. And racist. Like... Destroy all magic things, kill all mages. And oppress anything not human... Yeah... As far as your negative effects... I'm unsure on the death for your character thing, though. It poses problems and becomes easily exploitable... The muteness poses a massive issue with in-game communication and is a player choice deal. If you want to know what such disabilities can do, well... Our blind bard could have quite a few issues at times. The fact that your character essentially has no choice but to follow all the angel says, again, feels like a play-style choice... And, again, brings up a lot of trust issues and more. I dunno. Just seems like a lot that poses a lot of friction with established lore and hard to work with. It would, quite possibly make you disliked by a lot of NPCs, untrusted and ostracized. Angelic beings just... Aren't the favorite people in the world. The Papacy possibly less-so. XD As far as reliquaries from the papacy, though... I'm extremely certain they have them, though it may not be established in exact details. Their "pope" or whatever he's called, is considered the voice of god and a holy figure himself, so I bet every one of them are probably in a special mausoleum or something. Kings of Rheinfeld possibly had a tomb too, though they were not technically seen as powerful as the papacy's head in the past, I believe... *thinks* I dunno, I see a lot of lore conflicts here, personally... but your general idea is not bad. I just see the issues and it might take a lot of revamping and beating the thought into the correct shape to fit. : P[/quote] Thanks for the response. After giving it some thought, I've decided to scrap the cursed grave robber idea. I wanted to find a way to make a 'cursed' character, and the idea of having my PC be someone that deserved to be cursed was too much to pass up at the time. For now, I've decided to make a completely different cursed character. The CS will be up later today.