Name: Joshua Rauser Callsign: Hawkeye (Got this nickname after screaming out his entire team for not having cleaned the showers properly.) Appearance: [img][/img] Ultimately the appearence and armor worn will depend on the situation. Rank: LT. Col. Operation: Former Ranger, he was then enlisted into the SEALs due to great military experience and has now been shanghai:ed into the Task Force. Age: 36. Gender: Male. Personality: Nothing truly commendable or important, he's the typical soldier, having managed to rise through the ranks out of normal, hard earned military prowess and physical strenght. Not only that but his thinking, strategical and tactical planning is indeed a loving necessity, in case the team manages to get stranded for a prolonged duration of time. Bio: With no really special childhood except totally wrecking all opposition in his local scout group. He joined into the military as a way to keep the tradition going, his father, his father and his father's father had all joined the military, so why not? He managed the training well and finally ended up in the rangers. When in the rangers that's where his medal earning events happened. Maybe he'd tell you how he earned the medal of honor, as well as a couple of other medals. Class: Team Leader, leader of teams. Weapons: [i]Primary[/i]: FN SCAR STD, highly modable, equipped with a scope of some sort, detachable silencer, laser sight and several other less important modifications. [i]Sidearm[/i]: HK MK23 equipped with laser sight and detachable silencer. [i]Other[/i]: Standard issue army knife. Gear: Nightvision, two standard FN SCAR magazines with 30 rounds and one traser magazine with 30 rounds, one smoke grenade for each standard color, fragmentation granades, two of them, rations, two 14 round magazines for the HK MK23, a pack of smoke, Tactical Smart Glass (HuD system), Basic short range comm, long range comm, and a gasmask. Other: Nothing else worthy of importance except the Army Ranger and Seal Tattoo's which he has.