[b] Garden [/b] "Your names confuse me. Garden and Mercy, it'll be confusing. Whether someone utters, 'Have mercy on me!' or, 'Let's have a break in the garden.', it sounds funny, and at times, it'll be a horrid mix-up and debate of what would they actually mean. How about some other names for you two? ... Gardenia and Mercela, perhaps?" sir Dendus said and asked, she ponder a bit on other names she has but quite frankly. Garden is the most simplest name she has. "Sorry, Sir Dendus I do not have any other name...my full name is Princess Garvenialiam Inegeniumegi of the kingdom of Garvenloir. It's quite long and kind of tongue twisted so I stick by Garden." She explained to the dark hair boy. As soon enough the bartender brought in three passion fruit smoothies. "Ah~ Thank you!" He thanked the bartender as she grabbed the smoothie and drank it. It had a little umbrella and that her laugh. "Wah~ This is really delicious and refreshing~" She said as the smoothie was really good. [b] Seven [/b] He watched Mr. lion sniff the air. [i] " I’m not sure about cooked or barbecued meat but food in general sounds good...fear a hungry" [/i] He took a small step back...he remember to never mess with a hungry lion...he learned his lesson a long time ago...He focused back on Little feather and Dani who were talking about wet clothes. He laughed as Mr. Lion sort of nommed on Little feather hand. The girl hand as covered in lion drool. "Hahahaha!" He let out a prankster laugh as Little feather rubbed her drool covered hand on Mr. lion. So he, Mr. Lion, Little feather and Dani were going to eat, he continue to find the scent of the food...As he ran a bit head while doing some flips and twirls he occasionally stop to find the scent. He did a massive jump and landed on his hands, he smelled something. On the beach was a small shack with some smoke going up, he sniffed first and decided that where was the scent coming from. "Hey guys over here!" He pinted at the shack,"I think I found a place to eat!" [b] Zivon [/b] After a few moments he stood up from where he was sitting and started to walk a back, he guessed that he will just stay at the house he was assigned to, alone and probably cook for something, grilled tuna sounded good. He will just unpack first and buy the fish and ingredients later. With that said he walked to the main building of the entire island. The resort itself looked amazing, modern and clean something he only could see in magazine ads or posters. "...pretty..." It had seemed that was the only thing he could say publicly but he couldn't"t lie...it is pretty. He put on his sun glasses and walked around, he figured to check the palace out so he won"t get lost unlike in school, it happen a lot. Many unpeculiar faces, he got a lot better to control his anxiety eventhough he was really afraid, he didn't notice that his hands were clutching onto his shirt the entire time and his breathing was rather abnormal. With trying his best to control his self he didn't know he accidentally bumped into someone at their back. "I-I am sor-ry..." He muttered in a quiet tone as he tilted his big floppy sun hat, hoping someone he had bumped into wasn't someone he knew.