[hider=Max Wallenberg] [center][URL=http://s33.photobucket.com/user/pompom91/media/19597_13_zps05f476fd.jpg.html][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d87/pompom91/19597_13_zps05f476fd.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] [center][URL=http://s33.photobucket.com/user/pompom91/media/MaxWallenberg_zps534630e8.png.html][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d87/pompom91/MaxWallenberg_zps534630e8.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Grade:[/b] Senior [b]Social Class:[/b] Wealthy [b]Social Class Explanation:[/b] Max is the firstborn son of the Alice and Peter Wallenberg who are part of the very powerful banking family in Sweden. The Wallenberg family is estimated to own a 3rd of Sweden’s national GDP. Not only is Max extremely wealthy but he is also very well read and quite smart. He may not be at the top of his class but he can hold his own. --- [b]Personality:[/b] How would you describe the typical Swede? Tall, blonde, quiet kind of standoffish, that all applies to Max. At first glance he seems intimidating since he is pretty tall and has quite the steely eyed stare and mostly he sits alone at the lunch table. But contrary to popular belief Max doesn’t hate people, he just likes his solitude sometimes he actually loves to be social you just have to break through his shell first. Max has an air of aloofness when he walks through the halls of the academy it’s not that he doesn’t care about being in school he actually cares a lot about getting good grades. It’s just that he’s extremely bored with this gilded lifestyle that the wealthy at Caelbury Academy lead. The talk about which car you should get the next time you buy one every day is taking its toll on Max’s psyche. He is very passionate about literature and devours every book he can get his hands over, he likes it so much because it gives him a chance to escape the to him very mundane life of the wealthy. Though many of his peers would spend their money on cars or going out, Max would much rather spend it on a first edition copy of “The color purple”. He has tried his hand on writing his own stuff but it never turns out the way he wants it. He has come to the realization that maybe it is because he hasn’t really lived. The biggest thing that happened to him was when his family moved from Sweden to the US, and that went pretty smooth because of the Wallenberg’s status, besides his future is in banking according to his father. When it comes to relationships Max has had many, nothing really serious but he is popular and likes to try his luck. His friends usually tease him a lot for going “slumming” as they call it because Max has been dating girls from “lower” social classes, which apparently is looked down upon. Max is doing it for fun because he is bored and wants something different. Max also has the bad habit of using sex as an ice breaker which has resulted in a lot of broken hearts. --- [center][URL=http://s33.photobucket.com/user/pompom91/media/Max_zpsa0e75998.png.html][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d87/pompom91/Max_zpsa0e75998.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] --- [b]History:[/b] Born in to excess and luxury thus is the life of a Wallenberg, never having to worry about financial security or being on the outside looking in. Max’s father Peter wasn’t really present during his and his sibling’s childhood, for a good reason though he was working as much as he could to uphold the family status. This has resulted in a rather stiff relationship with his father; it is mostly about business or school when or if they talk. Max does respect his father a great deal and would not want to disappoint him. Max’s relationship with his mother is something completely different; since his mother didn’t have to work she stayed at home and raised him and his two sisters. The two are very close and though she has always said that what his father says goes, she always would wink behind Peters back when Max would have broken some small rule, like when he was looking at his phone instead of listening to the kings speech at the Nobel prize dinner. The family owns a lot of the bigger banks in Sweden and when Max was 7 his father wanted to expand over the Atlantic and decided to uproot the family and move to America. --- [b]Extracurricular Activities:[/b] Treasurer of the Student Council Rowing Captain [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] Slight accent Has a vast amount of books Hates the uniform [/hider] --- [hider=Max's RS] [b]Acacia Hawthorne:[/b] “She’s nice, and I would consider her one of my good friends since we are both in the Student Council we’ve spent a lot of time together. I would ask her out but her brother’s the vice principal so how could I? One wrong step and I would probably be dead or kidnapped or something. No I’m not really interested anyways, but I like to talk to her since she is one of the only girls around here with some fucking sense! Seeing as I’m probably risking my life being her friend, I should probably just cut the bond but I can’t bring myself to do that. I’ve grown attached to her on some kind of weird sibling level and we have way too much fun together. I don’t let a lot of people in to my bubble but she’s defiantly in.” [b]Jacob Rockwell:[/b] “Jacob man… get over it… whatever it is or was let it go! It’s not hard to see that this dude is holding on to something and it’s affecting him the wrong way. He is kind of hardcore being the MCJROTC Captain and Commanding Officer. Props to him man!” [b]Julie Scott:[/b] “Prude… make one little joke and she gives you the stink eye whenever you pass her in the hall… whatever!” [b]Eliza Herring:[/b] “Yeah so ok me and Herring got together over the summer, I know I don’t have the best reputation when it comes to dating and relationships but I guess I feel like she’s worth the shot… you know? I mean yeah she doesn’t really want to hang out just us and we go out to dinner most of the time but when we’re out we have fun and she seems in to me for some reason. It can’t be my money because she’s just as loaded as I am, I don’t know I guess I’ll have to figure her out…” [b]Wren Sinclair:[/b] “I followed her on twitter for a while before I even knew she went to Caelbury! I like the movies she’s been in. I would call it easy watching, but she’s been rumored to leave the Y.A swamp right? I think that’ll suit her well. She’s always been really nice to me and I like the little tweet wars we have about books. I keep telling her that “Divergent” was a good movie to pass on considering the source material!” [b]Jack Riley:[/b] “Hah! Oh yeah this is that guy who spread lies about my father right? Yeah yeah, I remember he and his deadbeat dad tried to sell some bogus story about my family embezzling vast amounts from our banks. Really you’re going after one of the most secure family’s in the world? Yeah you better watch your back Riley! ” [b]Tomika Marias:[/b] “She’s apparently what my father calls new money, which I think means that she’s not really used to her wealth quite yet. I mean more power to her to not let it go to her head, from what I can tell she just keeps to herself. She’s a champ with a sword though which is cool I guess.” [b]Alena Rurik[/b] ”The Amazonian? She’s… big I mean as in TALL, hell she’s even taller than me and I’m quite tall! She avoids eye contact the few times I’ve talked to her. Then again most people get uncomfortable around me for some reason. Her accent is funny though... look who's talking” [b]Alex Harrowling[/b] “I like him... I think, he doesn’t brag or boast, his literary taste is good from what I’ve seen him read in the hallways. I haven’t really talked to the kid so I can’t say much. I wouldn’t mind haning out with him though” [b]Malicia Palisar:[/b] “All I can say is she dresses kind of cool, like anyone who can make this freaking uniform look remotely fashionable need to get some cred! It doesn’t sit well with me how judgmental she is against the “lesser” students… get of your high horse your dad’s mob money bought you! ” [b]Aoife Abbot:[/b] “She’s cute I must admit, but! One thing bothers me… her eyes are huge and eerie. I mean yes she’s new and I should not judge the book by the cover. She acts kind of strange sometimes to like she gives off this air that you’re the most boring thing in the world but she still seems to want you to pay attention to her. I guess I’ll have to observe her some more. ” [b]Connor MacQuarrie[/b] “I don’t know man, he’s just another juiced up roided jock, I’ve had more interesting lunches than him. I heard him call me a snob once, I wonder what he bases that on? Because I like a more peaceful sport than throwing a oval ball around and calling that football… it’s not even REAL football! ” [b]Silas Eberhardt[/b] ”His violin skills are pretty sick! I went to one of his concerts on a date once, not my idea by the way but hey if you want to score you have to do things you wouldn’t normally do. Anyway Silas stole the whole show and you could see he lost himself in what he was doing and I can respect that. But in person he’s pretty uninteresting, not much to say. I feel like he wouldn’t want to hang out even if I approached him” [b]Geoffry Lanser[/b] “He’s a bit broish for my taste. But he seems like a cool dude and we do need some new blood on the rowing team this year if we want to win regionals. Yeah I’ll probably approach him about recruitment!” [b]Liam Matthews:[/b] “From what I can gather which is not much, this dude is seriously depressed and needs to get laid ASAP. Something has happened to this man to make him hate life that much is clear!” [b]Brenden Aldrin:[/b] “I don’t really know what to think, he seems pretty cool for a principal, I do think he’s a bit weird though for some reason! I don’t know people that are this friendly makes me woneder…” [b]Hayden Hawthorne:[/b] “Acacia’s brother right and the vice principal, he seems to be a real nice guy but knowing what power he and his family have he scares the CRAP out of me. Also he seems to hate me for some reason, so ok this one-time he came to one of the student council meetings to check that we were doing our job or what not. I made the mistake of leaning in to whisper something in Acacia’s ear that made her giggle. He’s been giving me the death stare ever since. I do think he has bigger fishes to fry though ” [b]Flynn Zimmerman:[/b] “Favorite class, favorite teacher he has his things together and being thought by a child prodigy is an awesome feeling. When I’m in his class I feel like I can take in everything he puts out there, who cares that he is weirdly passionate about his cat… that thing is cute as hell! I do want to know what he writes in his damned notebook all the time when you talk to him. I always feel like I’m going to read one of his case studies and find a psych evaluation about me in it.” [b]Jaycen Price:[/b] “Coach Price has been really good to me, I follow his diet and exercise regimen religiously! He’s also really excited all the time which helps when I feel especially apathetic. I don’t see him that often though since he’s more of a football guy and I captain the rowing team but he said he has faith in me, so who am I to go against him?” [b]Allison Kendrick:[/b] “I like her class, then again I like history… I do spend most of her classes reading though. I don’t know maybe it’s because she’s so young and I can’t take her all too serious with her party girl demeanor. But she’s a good person at heart I can tell! Also… she’s pretty hot which is something to be admired. I wonder if she’d say yes to go drinking someday?” [b]Saul Hannibal Kirschenzweig[/b] “I have all respect in the world for the fine arts, so having him teach drama at Caelbury makes me hopeful for the future of Broadway. Who knows maybe he’ll inspire me to finally write a good screenplay. I might ask him for some pointers on how to write for the stage. I like how direct he is!” [/hider]