[b][u]Nikola[/u][/b] Nikola raised an eyebrow. [i]Two[/i] people seemed lazy enough to depend on their own group of three, which shortly after waiting for a while, became a group of four. And now these fools were talking amongst themselves, bickering like the children they were. There was one boy smoking in front of a man whose heart died in a great fire. An insult it was, even if the child did not realize it. Did this boy seriously find it funny to have the name "Garden" or "Mercy?" Because from what he could tell, it was better than having one's last name as "Lovelock" even though they were probably not even going to study in that stupid world known as "Gaia." It was a common misconception that he transformed his destroyed body for a better world. He transformed himself to purge the filth on the defile world. Filled with... supernatural creatures, and all sorts of things, the world was impure in his eyes. For now, he would teach these supernatural creatures as their teacher, but his grudge against them would not fade away under normal circumstances. He believe he was superior, no matter how freaking old these animals were. In the end, he would rise on the top of the chain of power. The menu seemed to detect Garden's request, instantly letting Nikola know through his technological counter system that the group wanted three smoothies, as well as some alcohol (Nikola presumed that the boy wanted whiskey). E.A.R. suddenly shot out of his back, extending to the point where it vanished to a small kitchen behind Nikola. E.A.R. slowly returned with three fruit smoothies, along with a glass of whiskey, within five seconds of not returning, its arrival being- bluntly put- a little too quick. The mechanical arm made a strange whirring sound, its palm glowing pink again, as if it were timid in giving the people the drinks. Currently carrying a flat tray with drinks on it, the hand quietly put the tray of drinks in front of the group. [b]"Enjoy your drinks,"[/b] Nikola said, his eyes glowing yellow unnaturally. [b]"No payment is required for today."[/b] He currently had a fairly laidback attitude. Maybe it was because he did not need to fire lasers at disruptive students yet. [u]Yet[/u].