[center][u][b]Dani - Er... Pineapples? >.>[/b][/u][/center] “You fell in? I’m sorry I didn’t see otherwise I would have helped you out...I was suffering from seasickness as well I think.” Little Feather replied. "Glad I wasn't the only one." Dani replied, then turned red. "I-I mean, it's n-not like I [i]want[/i] you t-to get seasick, I mean- I-" Dani promptly shut up. He didn't want to dig his hole any deeper. “Don’t you have waterproof ones on underneath? Mercy made me put some on before we landed. If not it’s pretty warm so I would imagine you’d dry out quickly.” Little Feather said. "No, I was being stupid and decided that if I wanted to go swimming, I would change when I got here." Dani said with a sigh. Then Little Feather got chomped by the lion. Dani was about to do something when he realized that the lion wasn't eating her, just teasingly slobbering all over her hand. Seven burst out laughing, but Dani actually attempted [i]not[/i] laughing. He didn't succeed.