Fairy Tail is the strongest Guild in the Kingdom of Fiore. The name of "Fairy Tail" represents a sense of adventure for one to be able to discover more about mysteries and fate. Young or old, all are welcome! A new generation has begun and we need you to carry on the legacy of Fairy Tail. [u]Location[/u] Fairy Tail's original location was situated in the Kingdom of Fiore, on the southern coast of the country in Magnolia Town where it was the only guild (until the arrival of Twilight Ogre. It was located in the south of the town not far from the coast, and the guild was situated about 4-5 kilometers up the Magnolia central path. When the core members of Fairy Tail disappeared for 7 years, the remaining members could no longer afford to keep Fairy Tail's first building so it went into foreclosure. After they left it, they moved into a small tavern, that lies on top of a small hill, and made it their base of operations. [u]History[/u] [i]“Do fairies really have tails? Do they even exist... Like them, this place as an eternal mystery... A never ending adventure!” [/i] - Makarov Dreyar It was said that the founder of Fairy Tail guild was a real Fairy. The first Master of Fairy Tail was Mavis Vermilion. Mavis' grave is located on Fairy Tail's holy ground, Tenrou Island. Fairy Tail has existed for at least several decades but has only grown to its current prominence and strength in the last few years. In this growth, it began to rival another large guild, Phantom Lord, and they began to be seen as symbols of the country. When the core members of Fairy Tail disappeared, the guild dropped to last place in strength, however the core members returned seven years later. [u]S-Class Wizard Promotion Trial[/u] In the Fairy Tail Guild, the Trial (S-Class Mage Promotion Trial) is an event that is held every year, where the Master selects the most prominent members to participate in a trial in order to be promoted to S-Class Mages. Every year the trial is different and the venue also. Current S-Class Mages also take part in the Trial, to increase the difficulty of the task and make the Trial even harder to complete. [u]Fantasia[/u] A parade held every year at The Harvest Festival where Fairy Tail Mages all display their powers in a fantastical performance. The event is looked forward to not only by the members of Fairy Tail but by the whole population of Magnolia. [u]Leaving Fairy Tail[/u] Whenever a Mage wishes to leave Fairy Tail, they are free to do so, however they are expected to follow three rules: 1.You must never reveal sensitive information about Fairy Tail to others for as long as you live. 2.You must never use former contacts met through your being in the guild for personal gain. 3.Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might, you must never consider your own life to be something insignificant, and you must never forget about your friends for as long as you live. [u]Strength[/u] Ultear Milkovich stated that Fairy Tail is the strongest guild in Fiore. She also commented that Zeref's retrieval from Tenrou Island could be problematic as Fairy Tail's main members were currently situated there. Later, Lahar of the Magic Council notes that Fairy Tail is one of the three biggest protuberances of the Magic world, alongside Grimoire Heart and Zeref. There are around 100 Mages in Fairy Tail. During the S-Class Wizard Promotion Trial all of Fairy Tail's most powerful members, including its Guild Master, disappeared. After that incident, Fairy Tail's strength dropped significantly until the disappearing Mages reappeared 7 years later. Even though the lesser members grew stronger, the loss of the core members still greatly affected Fairy Tail's strength, especially in comparison to guilds like Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale, whose powers grew exponentially. [u]Members[/u] In year X784, Fairy Tail was composed by roughly 100 members. However, due to the events of Tenrou Island, the number of Mages was heavily reduced, remaining quite scant even following the return of many of the guild's top members from the island itself, ranking in few tens. In spite of the guild's immense reputation and fame, becoming a member of Fairy Tail requires little more than the simple approval of the Guild Master, regardless of Magical capabilities, former allegiances or the other members' opinion. This seems to be particularly true, as Makarov Dreyar had no troubles letting in Juvia Lockser, a former Mage of the Phantom Lord guild, which had started a Guild War with Fairy Tail and caused it great damage; Gajeel Redfox, another Mage from Phantom Lord who had badly injured Fairy Tail's Shadow Gear team and wreaked havoc on the guild's first building, was even invited into Fairy Tail by Makarov himself, with the Guild Master claiming that it was his duty to "guide young men who have lost their way back onto the right path". Mirajane Strauss, while talking to Lucy Heartfilia, explained that everyone in Fairy Tail carries the wounds of a sad past. [u]The Mages[/u] There are certain types of people in the guild of Fairy Tail, regardless of age or gender that go underneath the classification of mages. Mages have certain powers, perhaps some specializing in things like fire, or water, lightning, etc. But things go into more specifics than just that... There are a few types of mages actually; Dragon slayers, God slayers, mages that use magic from inside their body, and mages who need to use some sort of physical item to direct their magic from. [list] [*][i]Dragon Slayers[/i] First, let's start with the dragon slayers. These few and rare individuals are born or raised by a certain dragon, whether it be an ice dragon, fire dragon, lightning dragon, etc. They are raised by it, and are taught the unknown magic of a dragon slayer. These types of people are almost the most powerful you'd be able to find, but they have yet to control and restrict themselves from destroying everything with the power they hold. [/*] [*]God Slayers Now, there isn't much known about God Slayers, and there are very few in the land at the moment. It's considered as a lost form of magic, one that is ancient which is why it is very rare and difficult for a mage to handle. God Slayers are very similar to Dragon Slayers, but like Dragon Slayers very little is known about them, and are even rumored to be more powerful than a Dragon Slayer. [/*] [*]Caster Mages Caster mages are the types of mages who generate magic through their body without any need of a weapon or item to guide it. They aren't as rare as Dragon Slayers, in fact, they're just about half of the population of mages like Holder Mages. Depending on their will, their form and strength of their magic; it will shift to how the mage feels at the moment. For example if a mage is weak, or isn't in a proper mood to cast magic, their magic will most likely be weak. Yet even if someone were to be encouraged and confident, it doesn't always mean their magic will be strong.[/*] [*]Holder Mages Finally, there are Holder Mages. Holder Mages, almost opposite of Caster Mages, use an item of some sort, whether it be a simple pencil or something like a sword, to guide their magic and into reality. They have the same rules that apply to them, but the bad thing about Holder Mages is that, without their item, it is either impossible, or nearly impossible for them to use their magic.[/*] [/list] [u]The Ranks[/u] Next, there are the ranks in Fairy Tail. Did you expect it to end there? Sorry, unfortunately not! But don't worry, this is much simpler. At the top, there is, obviously, the guild master who rules the entire guild. Then, there are S class mages. They often take hard and very important tests of ability to make their way to the top of a guilds rank, and are the most powerful and skillful out of the entire guild other than the guild master. Finally, there are just plain and regular mages. Nothing's bad about them of course, but they are the least experienced, and can qualify for S class when the Guild Master thinks they are ready. [u]The Quests[/u] Also, there are two kinds of quests, S class quests, and regular quests. This shouldn't be very hard to understand since only S class mages can take S class quests, and regular mages can only take regular quests unless an S class mage joins them on the other type of quest. And there is one more kind of quest, but this one only S classes can take, and they are even more dangerous. SS class quests, the most dangerous, and only the most experienced and strongest of the guild may partake on these quests. They often go alone but usually SS class quests aren’t taken due to their danger level. [u]The Parties[/u] No, not the parties you'd go too obviously. This is a party as in a group, or a team. Fairy Tail is consisted of certain parties, whether they’re in a small group of two, or even a huge group of 10 or more. The number is unlimited, and those who group together are often close friends and usually go on quests and missions together like a family group. --- [u][b]Rules[/b][/u] 1. No Godmodding 2. Paragraph minimum per post 3. Only allowing one S-Class (Open) 4. Only allowing two Dragon Slayer (Taken as of right now) 5. My Co-GM is DemonShinobi, our word is say 6. Let me know when you will be inactive for long periods of time, 3 days or more. If you don't your character will become inactive and a spot will open in the roleplay 7. Only allowing 6 total characters and I'd like to keep the gender ratio even (6 out of 6 spots taken) 8. Have fun and just ask me or Demon if you have any questions! :) --- [u][b]Character Skeleton[/b][/u] Appearance : Image preferred Other Details : List any details for your character not in the image IE guild mark Name : Nickname/Alias : Age : (15- 20) Gender : Sexuality : Personality : Magic Type : Holder, Caster, Lost Mage Rank : Mage or S Class (You can use the D-S Ranking System if you want) Magic : Provide a link if possible Spells : Provide links to your canon spells. Biography : Other: --- [u][b]Current Characters[/b][/u] Ayumi 'Mimi' Redfox{Daughter of Gajeel and Levy} - Kitty -- { - of Natsu and Lucy} - Demon Shinobi Blaze - Jakeozzy Eli - AcetheKidd {Reserved} {Reserved} --- [u][b]My Character[/u][/b] [hider= Ayumi Redfox] (I own this image! I made it) [img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/148/d/5/d547c86dc65c027e5f9b9f711d9dd210-d7k5k7b.png] [u]As A Kid(Don' own images)[/u] [img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/123/e/5/ayume_child__oc__by_tinnadraws-d63yj5z.jpg] [img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/337/7/8/ayume_redfox_by_tinnadraws-d5mwyaa.jpg] [u]Spirit Form(Don't own Image)[/u] [img=http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/9459/304739-dragon_girl_light_purple_super.jpg] Other Details : Mimi stands at 5'4" and weighs 100lbs and has a build more like Lucy. In normal form her hair is the same color as her mothers(Levy) but it is thick, long, and slightly uncontrollable like her fathers and she has her fathers red eyes. But in her spirit form as Celestia/Spirit Princess, daughter of the Spirit King and Celestial Dragon Queen she has light blue hair and light blue eyes. In both forms on her right shoulder is the fairy tail mark in a dark navy blue that is almost black color. Name : Ayumi RedFox Nickname/Alias : Mimi; Shrimp(by her father XD she inherited it from her mom); Shining Star Age : 16.5 XD Gender : Female Sexuality : Heterosexual Personality : Mimi is an almost perfect balance of her 'parents'. Like Gajeel she is fiesty and sometimes easily irritated but like her mother she has the small sweet and caring side that makes her shy at times and makes her an EXTREME bookworm. She lovesssss books and is smart but sometimes her emotions drive her actions and she may just act before she thinks which shows another part of Gajeel in her. Magic Type : Lost - Dragon Slayer Mage Rank : A-Class Mage Magic : [url=http://fairytailfanon.wikia.com/wiki/Celestial_Dragon_Slayer] [u]Spells : Basic Spells[/u] [list][*]Celestial Dragon's Roar: Mimi inhales building up the magic needed. She then exhales, launching what looks like the night sky at the opponent.[/*] [*]Celestial Dragon's Eta Claw: Mimi coats her fists and arms in navy blue magic with bright, glowing stars. She attacks by punching the opponent repeatedly, her punches seem to get stronger with each successive strike.[/*] [*]Celestial Dragon's Meteor Strike: Mimi begins similarly to Celestial Dragon's Roar, but instead of exhaling a beam-like attack, Meteor Strike is fired as a concentrated orb.[/*] [*]Celestial Dragon's Flail: Mimi channels her magic into her blade, forming a spherical concentration of navy blue magic with bright, glowing stars at the tip of the blade. When she swings her sword the ball of magic extends from the blade on what looks like a chain of stars.[/*] [*]Celestial Dragon's Pillar: Mimi places both hands on the ground forcing her magic through the ground and causing a pillar of what looks like the night sky to erupt from underneath her opponent.[/*] [/list] [u]Advanced Spells[/u] [list][*]Spatial Void: Draconid: Mimi fires off multiple Celestial Dragon's Meteor Strikes in rapid succession.[/*] [*]Spatial Void: Dark Matter: Mimi coats both hands in what looks like the night sky and claps her hands together. This causes an explosion, reminiscent of a pitch black sky, that acts similarly to a cross between Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame and Altairis.[/*] [*]Spatial Void: Circumpolar Lodestar: while charging the attack, Mimi circles her opponent at high speeds before striking the opponent with her tail. Alternatively, by swinging her tail, she sends a guided wave of what looks like the night sky at her opponent.[/*] [*]Spatial Void: First Great One: Covering her entire body in an inky blackness with bright white pinpoints of light, Mimi takes on the appearance of a massive, serpentine dragon and viciously attacks. Other Celestial Dragon Slayer spells can be used in tandem with this one.[/*][/list] Biography : Mimi was not originally the daughter of Gajeel and Levy. True she appears to be with not only her appearance but also with her personality but the fact that she looks like them is due to a spell cast onto her by her mother and father before they were both killed. Now to go back to the beginning and explain what exactly happened. Mimi is the daughter of the Celestial Spirit King and the Celestial Dragon Queen. Her true name is Celestia the Dragon Spirit and she has a special key that is a diamond key and extremely hard to find. The key was released into the world when Celestia was born and will only be found by the person meant to find it. Shortly after Mimi was born, rogue spirits set forth an uprising in the spirit world and targeted the royalty specifically. They somehow fought all the way through the castle so the king sent the queen to Earthland to give Celestia to be raised by her brother's son. The queen was the dragon named Star and was the sister of the dragon Metallicana. The one chosen to raise Mimi was Gajeel and his wife Levy. Star appeared in her human form infront of the couple holding the baby wrapped up in spirit world cloth. The couple was confused but after it was explained the two happily took the baby girl in much to the blushing of Levy. Star quickly cast a spell on Mimi that changed her appearance from a spirit world look to that of Earthland to represent her new parents. Mimi's hair was turned to a dark blue that was almost identical to Levy's and she was given the red eyes of Gajeel. Only a select few of Fairy Tail were told of Mimi's real origin but that excluded Lucy's spirits because if they knew the princess of their world was living near them they may blow the cover. Star returned to the Spirit World were they lost the battle and the spirit King and her both lost their lives leaving no one to rule the Spirit World besides the missing princess. The rogue spirits would have taken over but luckily the Zodiac/ Gold Key spirits were able to fight them off and took control again banishing the rogues to Earthland. This unfortunate event left Mimi an orphan with out her real parents and wouldn't know her true past until Gajeel and Levy saw it was time to tell her. Mimi grew up though as a part of the Fairy Tail family and the dragon slayers along with Lucy helped her learn to use her Celestial Dragon Slayer Magic. Other: She is afraid of thunderstorms, like extremely afraid of them and she really hates any storms especially at night because when the stars and sun are blocked by anything she tends to feel weaker and unconnected with the Celestial World beyond Earthland. Mimi is also strongest at night time and when their is a full moon or eclipse, she is not one to mess with. But new moons are her weakest times. [/hider]