[b] Darwin - Meet The Room Mate[/b] The unicorn sat on the stool with a tilted head as he observed the bar tender. It was more than likely he was a teacher here, but Darwin didn't really care for that. This bartender looked so cool! He reminded Darwin of a T-1000 from Terminator, maybe this bartender was sent back in time to kill one of them. If that was the case, Darwin would destroy him with the power of rainbows.....hehehe he'd never destroyed a robot with rainbows. Wouldn't that be amaziong... He found himself moving his gaze to Mercy. "Well....I am the best at fishing......turns out fish love bright colours! So...Mercy! Do you know hwo to surf? I've been trying to treach myself but I can't get the hang of it.....I've been looking for some who can." He laughed and turned to his roomie. "Dendus!" He said with his arms above his head. "I've been looking for you! I've decided to put down a few rules..." He shot him a crazy grin. "And hopefully you'll follow them cos I trust you." he chuckled. "Rule 1: No smoking in the room, Rule 2: Do not touch my anime without permission. Rule 3: Take as many guests or girls over to the room just not in my bed. Rule 4 NEVER TAKE MY SKITTLES!" he screamed that last rule before his normal warm grin re-appeared. "Hey....I wonder what Ryuu-san is doing right now? Probably using his awesome charm to seduce a beautiful girl...."