[quote=Wayne] mkay [/quote] [hider=Image][img]http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i431/InternetLeech/wayne.jpg[/img][/hider] We open with the Six of Cups, which indicates that the focus of this reading will be dwelling on the past. Going the furthest back, we have the Queen of Pentacles, which in this case suggests that you've gone through a rough patch in your life before. This may be weirdly worded, but a lack of healthy personal growth is the most literal way for me to interpret this card. Perhaps you've gone through things in your life that you feel made you into a worse person, or perhaps it was just time that you feel was wasted - time you could've used to better yourself, but didn't. Next, though, we have the Six of Wands, which represents victory. You've gotten over the struggles of your past, and now you feel triumphant. After that, though, we have the King of Cups, which suggests calming down and growing more mature. Tying this back to the Six of Cups, it's possible that it's saying you think too much about what's happened in your past. The rough patch is over, you've come out of it triumphant, and now it's time to let it go and move on.