[center][b]Biographical Section[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Aslo [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://www.deviantart.com/art/Falconer-349601676]Props to Cristi-B[/url] [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Homeland:[/b] Freeholds [b]History:[/b] Years ago in Southblood, a slave auction was held. In line to be sold was a wonderful young woman very recently acquired. In attendance was her former husband bidding for her freedom against another. The Fates spat in the man's face and a riot broke out caused by some force unknown to the man. His competitor fled the scene, but too much time was lost and as the building came crashing down the wife lay dead. It was that day that Aslo as men amd women know him was born. After suffering through the grief of his lover's death Aslo vowed revenge on those responsible. He started with the highborn who had been bidding against him. After that had been taken care of he found himself picking at rumors, and with little to no coin. He found people were very willing to pay people to have others disappear, and from there things evolved naturally. Aslo picked up more and more work as an assassin that he regrettably forgot about revenge. Until recently of course. Rumors had once again been circulating concerning the events of that particular slave auction, and those rumors eventually led him to Renalta. [b]Motivation:[/b] Have his revenge enacted on those responsible for the death of his wife. He joined the blades to make use of their considerable resources to discover the identities of whoever instigated that riot. He also agrees with a great many of the ideals held by the Queen herself, and he would like to be a part of the solution to the problem the world is facing. [center][b]Traits & Equipment[/b][/center] [hider=General Traits] --[b]Acrobatic: (Rank II)[/b] >>--Free Runner: Rolling, ducking, jumping, sliding, sweeping, edging--all of these things and more are things you are seasoned at doing. Having obtained peak conditioning, anything beyond this is unnatural... (The environment can no longer be factored negatively against your character--fighting atop a steep slope is the same as fighting on a flat grassy plane, save any advantages. Atop this, your character's acrobatic abilities are at their natural peak: There are few places you cannot reach.) --[b]Rapid Blows[/b] --[b]Endurance Training[/b] --[b]Charger[/b] -- [b]Counter Strike:[/b] You've found that dueling is more effective when you use your dexterity to attack something after it has attempted to hit you. (Minor bonus to hit chance and armour penetration, if countering an attack with another attack.) --[b] Lucky:[/b] You took a guess, and it turned out correct... (Minor bonus to random actions, especially if they take luck.) [/hider] [hider=Unique Traits] -- [b]Eyes and Ears:[/b] In Southblood Aslo was a man who always seemed to know who people were and what they were doing. He has keen ears and an extensive network of friends with loose lips, this allows him to be well informed on news that others may not have heard. -- [b]Bad men don't deserve happy endings: (Rank II)[/b] Through extensive use and practice, Also has taught himself, and learned from others, the properties and functions of a wide variety of natural poisons. He can recognize their effects through investigation and has built enough tolerance to endure small doses of most. >>Aslo now has a better understanding of potion doses when considering the size of the target and an idea of incredibly lethal combinations of potions. Gains the ability to carry another potion with him. A powerful solvent that can cause temporary headaches and blurred vision. -- [b]Lost in the shadows:[/b] Aslo is deceptively difficult to track in a crowd or even through shadows. Whether it's a makeshift disguise he dawns on the fly, or a literal disappearing act learned from an illusionist is unclear, however the fact remains that unless Also wants you to follow him, you won't. [/hider] [b]Equipment List[/b] -- Falcon named Kira, used as a messenger, forward scout, and is capable of catching small prey -- Sleep tonic, may sometimes lace his weapons with this -- Smoke grenade type device filled with, among other things, nitroglycerin which when inhaled will cause substantial headaches and blurred vision -- 2 Simple knives, one for the throwing and the other for cutting -- Modestly decorated one handed sword  [center][b]Personal Section[/b][/center] [b]Romance:[/b] Who wants to die alone? No one. That's who. [b]Does the Kouri Plushie exist?:[/b] Yup. [b]Signature:[/b] Icarus