[b]Dendus - Every dollar spent waging the war on drugs is a dollar wasted on not genetically engineering catgirls.[/b] Once he found out the bar also serves whiskeys, Dendus made gestures with his hands to order it, while remaining to keep his gaze on Garden. "No, no, no, i'm not suggesting you should get a new, legal name. What i was saying was that, Gardenia should be another nickname in order to clear up any eventual confusion." Dendus stole a short glance on one, strange-looking man near him, noting that he seemed to be the waiter of the bar, at least. He continued, "Whether to make us keep calling you Garden or like Gardenia, is up to what you say next." And all of a sudden, there goes Darwin and his sick kicks. [b]"Rule 1: No smoking in the room, Rule 2: Do not touch my anime without permission. Rule 3: Take as many guests or girls over to the room just not in my bed. Rule 4 NEVER TAKE MY SKITTLES!"[/b] "Sure, sure. I'd follow those. In return, here's some rules. One, don't scream out loud past eleven o'clock. Two, don't ever get through my luggage. Three, you do not enter my bedroom. And four, [b]YOU DO NOT ENTER MY FUCKING BEDROOM.[/b] Phew, sorry if i scared people, just needed to emphasize that last bit."