Here is a little taste of what I'd like to do. [hider=Introduction] [img=] “Would you like to hear a story, sir?” A boy with a deep crimson eye along and dark raven hair grabs your attention. The young man smiled, detonating your curiosity. He holds out an envelope to you, his nails the color of black. You open the envelope to a blank piece of paper. You look up to question him but he’s gone. You look back down as words seem to burn on to the paper. ‘[i] Would you like to hear a story? You have to find me.” [/i] You can practically hear the boy’s voice in your head, it’s a painful bliss. It’s intoxicating, but when it fades you wait for rehabilitation. You close the letter, and begin to fold it before you hesitate. You feel the paper’s warmth and quickly unravel it. “Chase me.” [/hider] Have you ever heard of laughing Jack? Well, this his son. His father used to steal children but instead this boy steals men, revenge of his father. But he doesn't simply sing and lure you. He wants you to chase him, play his games and run. If he deems you worthy of staying alive you keep your life. But he's a boy, young and naive. No one says you wouldn't have the power to overthrow him. Maybe you're something far bigger and badder than a story tell monster. -Le shrugs- This story could go a million different ways. But I thought something dark and mysterious would be a fun change. Any takers or any thoughts?