[center][b]Lily[/b] - Row, Row, Row Your Boat, Gently in the... Ocean?[/center] After a few moments of setting up camp on one of the lawnchairs, Lily took off her blouse and made way for the beach, enjoying the sun and the wind in her hair. She smiled warmly as her toes hit the water and it danced. She grinned down at the water, her old friend. [b]"I can hear you again."[/b] She whispered. It was a lie, she couldn't really hear it. But she could, feel it. She could feel the emotions of the water spirit in the ocean. She was very kind and an old friend of Lily's. Lily got deeper into the water and the water continued to dance around her, the spirit's way of greeting her. She chuckled and lifted a bit of the water up with her hand. It lifted up and swirled around in the air before splashing her in the face. Laughing, she shook the water away and dove into the water, spinning and twirling as she went. She felt like a small child again. All of her worries gone for the moment and that was... good. She needed this. A moment's reprieve. She chuckled again as the water formed an air bubble around her mouth and pushed on her, making her go faster. After a few seconds, she had to come up for air. She sprung from the water and into the air, the force of the water pulling her hair out of her bun. She sat, treading water, her hair hanging down on her face. She went back down and pulled her hair out of her face but was suddenly pulled down by the water again. She smiled, looking around and went back up. [b]"Stop playing tricks on me."[/b] She said, giggling innocently.