Hello guys. It's been, what like 5 months? So I feel like I am obliged to write this. So yeah, nobody knows me but that's okay. I joined in November last year and was pretty much constantly on for the majority of November/December before the... well you know what happened. Anyway I came back briefly in January just to reconnect to some people I knew (The few people I knew :P) and then I... pretty much forgot about this site. I was caught up in other activities that it sort of just fell off the radar. Mostly I was putting back together my life as I was pretty much failing all of my classes. But to hell with that. It's almost summer! I have for the most part recovered and I haven't died, so I guess I decided it was time to come on back. Hope you guys will have me, and if I know you from before, don't hesitate to stop by. Sorry for dropping everything before :S Well that's pretty much all... I am too lazy to write about what kind of RP's I like. So... Thanks! Hope to have a good time. (If I manage to stick around)