The doctor stepped out of her tardis. "Hmmmmm well its defiantly a dark planet" She joked with herself. She felt around only to feel a hard rocky wall. She frowned slightly confused. She walked back into her tardis. "Yes I'm on earth" She told herself furrowing her eyebrows. She walked out again feeling around more. She pulled out her sonic screwdriver and clicked it. A warm buzz filled the room with a green light. She felt along the walls looking for cracks or a signal for the screwdriver. She waited, but nothing happened. "Your supposed to be good at opening doors" The doctor scorned the machine. She walked back into her tardis checking switches and screens. Then she noticed the problem. "Im to early" She laughed "First I'm fifteen years late and now I'm early. of course". She pulled down a lever and whizzing away she went. The doctor opened her tardis door slowly with obvious caution. She peered out of the small crack. "Yes there we go. right on time" Se smiled fully opening the door and walking out. She started to walk away from her tardis it being parked in an alley next to a wall already. "Now you stay put missy. ill be back soon" She said wagging her finger a bit then snickering to herself. She walked along the streets stepping side to side out of peoples way. 'right then new york city. the busiest place on earth. so much to see so much to do. hmmmmmm where to go first.' She thought to herself. she walked into a small convenience shop. Its quaintness made her smile. While she looked at many small souvenirs. "how did I forget about you" She said her fingers running along a small version of lady liberty. She bought the key chain, and excitedly headed toward her old friend. Once she got there she sat on a near by bench and looked up. "look at you" She said under her breath "You are just timeless.from the day you were built to hundreds of years late, and you are still the most popular lady around" The doctor continued. She sat there for a couple hours more.after she had sat and thought for a long time the doctor got up and walked back to her tardis. As she walked back her screwdriver started to hum. she didn't notice it at first, but the closer to her tardis she got the louder it became. once she got to her tardis it completely stopped. The doctor pulled it out of her small coat pocket starring at it a bit. She took a few steps back and it buzzed away. Then she took a few steps forward and it was completely silent. She turned around to find the building was an apartment building. With the screw driver buzzing the doctor couldn't help but investigate. She opened the door of the apartment building, and followed the screwdriver's hum checking for it to get louder and louder. In the end she was in front of a specific apartment. The doctor shrugged, and knocked on the door of the apartment waiting to see if she would get an answer.